I wont give up

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  • Dedicated to harry styles and louis tomlinson

"WAIT! You forgot your change." called Louis as Eleanor exited Starbucks.

"Oh thank you... Louis?" smiled Eleanor as she surveyed Louis name badge.

"No bother, enjoy." Louis replied returning a shy smile.

Louis was used to all the female attention, he was after all the definition of perfection. His short brown hair swept lightly over his forehead and to the right framing his delicate features. His eyes glittered a gorgeous sea blue colour and his arms were muscular and tattooed.

As per usual, he just ignored Eleanor's flirtatious behaviour and continued to serve the customers. No doubt Louis loved all the attention, but he could never fully accept why anyone would want him? Every time he looked in the mirror, no matter how much time he had spent styling himself, there was always a voice at the back of his head telling him that he was too fat or he was too short or he was just generally ugly. Sometimes he could muster up a bit of confidence and he thought he looked alright, but that confidence always disappeared when we went to work.

'Everyone is so much better looking than me, I'm hopeless, I could never look like that, no boy would ever love me.' Those thoughts were constantly running through his head all day as multiple attractive males stepped through the doors. None of them would ever give him a second look. He hated himself. He hated being gay. He hated his life. His brother Liam was the only one that kept him from taking his own life.

Liam had been born with only one kidney, all the odds were against him surviving but he did. Louis felt that it would be disrespectful to take his own life when Liam had almost lost his at birth. Also, Liam was his only family left, both their parents had died in a car accident when Louis was 12 and Liam was the innocent age of 5. They went to live with their grandparents for eight years but they had also passed away due to old age. So 20 year old Louis and 13 year old Liam moved into a flat in one of the roughest parts of London and they have been living there for the past two years.

Liam had a job as a paperboy which brought in very little money, and Louis always felt awful taking it from Liam when he had earned it himself, so he always let Liam keep most of his wages for himself. Louis worked 7 days a week in Starbucks and occasionally played a few gigs here and there in local bars. This earned them just enough to live off but not enough to afford luxuries.

Louis worked alongside his best friend Niall and he also played the guitar for Louis when he sang at the bars. Louis and Niall had been best friends since the age of 6 and they were inseparable. Niall felt very protective of Louis since he had been alongside him through all the hardship. Niall usually sneaked some of his tips into Louis jar and he never asked for any of the money they made from gigs.

But back to Eleanor, she was a regular customer and she was very wealthy. Her dad was one of the lead managers at some big firm and he was also very well paid, Sometimes Louis had thought about getting with Eleanor just because he needed the money, but he could never do it, he knew it wouldnt be right and h knew she would end up getting hurt in the end and he never wanted to hurt anyone.

So, he kept on ignoring her flirting and just focused on getting enough money to put food on the table for him and Liam.

"Niall?" called Louis.

"Yeah mate, whats up?" replied Niall.

"Who's that boy sitting over there with Zayn?" questioned Louis pointing over to the tall curly haired boy sitting next to their manager Zayn.

"Oh him? That's Harry, he's starting work here soon" chirped Niall, "Why? Does Louis have a crussshhhhhhh?" he teased with a cheeky grin.

Niall knew about Louis sexuality, apart from Niall and himself, Liam was the only other who knew. He was never very open about it as he knew that most people would judge him and say things.

"NOOOO! Niall shhhh!" Louis giggled whilst playfully punching him the arm.

"Owwwww Louis! That hurt!" moaned Niall sarcastically.

"C'mon you two! Get back to work!" ordered Zayn, overhearing their conversation.

Harry slowly lifted his head to look round at Niall and Louis play fighting whilst washing the dishes. Louis caught Harry staring at him and quickly turned away embarrassed and blushing.

'Harry.' he thought to himself, 'he seems nice'


hi guys, this is my first fanfic thing so i hope you like it :) no hate please

{be sure to vote it up and comment any suggestions}

next chapter when this gets 100 reads and 10 votes :)

thanks, ily xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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