disproving love isnt easy

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as i tell you this story i feel obligated to tell you disproving anything is a selfish act but disprovig love? is one of the worst things you could do another person so read this story knowing that you cant simply do this for no reason.

our story begins in the hotel room of a girl a girl named sage and ever since sage could remember all she ever wanted was to find a true love that would complete her fairy tale life and she moved across the country to find it all the way to L.A. but little did she know instead of finding an ideal love she would find a boy this boy lived in L.A. all his life his name was david and lets just say his life wasnt exactly a fairy tale he had been beaten brused heart broken and trust worn thin witch would hve surly driven anybody to depression right? wrong david persevered more then that he became quite happy for a short time unfortunately his bad past haddent left him cold and heartless but it made his heard softer and bigger caring deeply for every one and he saw people every day heart broken by people who said they loved them then simply left this broke davids heart to the point he decided he would disprove love all together if it was disproven people wouldnt fall pray to it and he could make every one happy and after a year of disproving love for couples who were just not sure our two people would happen apon each other in the same block in the same bar at the same time now it would seem to anybody these two would be total oposites right? WRONG. they would actually find they had a lot incomin david loved art and sage was a painter sage loved music and david played almost every instrument out there they agreed on world views and on stupid things like there favorite colors and on the most important things like they both wanted to have three kids and live in a small quiet house on a beach someday they would continue to meet up over a course of three months david met sages best friend peter and they ended up so close they called each other every night just to talk about what they did that day over the time david was with sage he would write down things they did and things about her in a small black book they got so close when some one would ask it would be hard to say there single.

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