A Dank Little School

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"I am so glad to be in this dank little school where they will try to squeeze down my mind until it is almost as narrow as yours"
-Matthew Faichild-'Nothing But Shadows'-By Cassandra Clare

Benjamin's P.O.V
As most schools are 'Breachy Delsh academy' was very boring. Teaching the same things over and over to children, who wear burgundy uniforms and play the cello...The students at Breachly were well behaved and had parents who could afford for their children to be so well behaved, well educated and play large classical string instruments, etc.
You may call these kids nerds.
Believe me, I do too.
But not all of them exactly are
A handful of them aren't.
Actually more like a couple of those kids aren't nerds,
because they go to a school that wires their brains down to become lawyers and people who win Nobel prizes most of the kids are under the influence of the adults, basically all of them are kiss asses, who need a life outside of their little box, which I assure you are probably very neat and tidy.
But this is getting off topic, I was talking about couple of these kids not being nerds.
For example: Julia Uma DiScipio, who at first glance may seem like a nerd.
All perfect grades, spoke 4 languages, she memorized most of Beethoven's songs that if someone gave her a piano her fingers would sprout classical music without her having to look down at the keys. To top it off her dad was the mayor of the town, so she was bound to be a perfect child. But the story that will unfold you will see that that was not the life she wanted to live. That life may seem perfect to you, but that life was all planed out for her. And what was life without adventure?
So maybe she wanted a ukulele in stead of a violin, to pack rope inside her bag instead of text books, to wear a tank top for once in her life instead of a white button up top.
She didn't want her life to be planned out and boring and dank like the school she attended. She wanted an adventure.
And an adventure she got.
But before all of this, Julia had put a plan into action. Which was kind of ironic considering she didn't want her life to be planned out. But I didn't decide Julia's story, Julia did.
And now you may be wondering who I am.
Why I am the boy who gave Julia her adventure, by accident.

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