Slenderman vs. Jeff the Killer

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Jeff was taking a calm walk in the forest after a recent killing. But in that very forest, Slenderman was looking for Jeff, wanting him dead. He was getting closer every second, each step, each breath, he became closer to his target. Then Slenderman could see who he was looking for. Jeff the killer was standing right in front of him. 'There he is, with his stupid smile and his idiotic white sweater. I have had it with his constant bickering and killing the people who steal my paper!' Slenderman thought angrily to himself. 'This is my chance to end him!' "Hey Slenderman, how are y-" Jeff tried to start a conversation with the faceless being in front of him before Slenderman took a shot at his head with one of his tentacles, missing Jeff's head by mere centimetres. "Slendy?! What the fu-" Jeff was forced to stop mid-sentence once again to dodge to the right to avoid another shot took by Slenderman using another tentacle. Slenderman grunted a bit, seeing that he missed his target. But in order to complete his own goal, he had to quickly get over it and aim again, this time with more than one of his many tentacles. Jeff quickly hid behind a nearby tree while Slenderman was gathering his thoughts. 'Damn, why is Slendy trying to kill me?! Hehehe, I guess he finally broke, oh well. Now I get a chance to get back at him for all these years of him bossing me around.' Jeff thought as he brought out his sharpest knife from his sweater and quickly wiped off the still fresh blood on his sweater. He quickly peeked around the edge of he tree that he was behind to see that Slenderman was facing the opposite direction than Jeff, all tentacles popping out of his back. Jeff quietly sighed and snuck up behind Slenderman, making sure not to step on any twigs or branches that were on the ground. Once Jeff got close close enough to Slenderman that he could easily reach out and touch one of the many pitch black  tentacles, Jeff raised his his knife above his head and whispered "Go to sleep." and aimed straight for Slenderman's head. The moment his knife was two inches above Slenderman's head, Slenderman had just been able to hear Jeff whisper his catch phrase and was just able to move to the side and teleport but at the cost of losing one of his tentacles. He teleported a few feet behind Jeff and winced a small bit due to the pain of losing a tentacle, he dealt his black blood drip down his back, creating a small dark puddle at his feet. Slenderman glared at Jeff, his tentacles all out and ready to fire while Jeff had his knife at hand. They both just stood there, glaring at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Slenderman made the first move, firing ten of his tentacles at Jeff, all in circle formation. Jeff had barely escaped, moving straight towards Slenderman, getting only a few cuts on his arms and legs. "Ha! Missed me Slendy!" Jeff laughed as he ran towards the faceless being. His knife was merely two feet away from where Slenderman's heart should be, Slenderman then thought that that was close enough and teleported right behind Jeff and decided to give him a warning shot and cut a deep gash on his shoulder. Jeff gasped at the large amount of pain that was quickly bestowed upon him and quickly spun around, hoping to cut something. And guess what?! He...did not. He only hit the air where Slenderman used to be. 'Damn! Where did he go?!' Jeff thought to himself, looking around quickly to find out where the faceless creature went. Silence. That's all that could be heard, no branches snapping, not a single bird to beat it's wings or make a sound. No wind to brush past the trees and no other empty soul to wander through the dark forest other than the grinning psycho. "Hey Slendy! Did ya chicken out already?" Jeff called out jokingly after not seeing a single sign of his opponent. He continued look around, even deciding to leave the small clearing that him and Slenderman were fighting in a second ago. "Hehehe, oh where oh where could that Slendy cat be? Oh Slendy where are you? Oh! There you are!" Jeff announced as he saw Slenderman racing towards him at full speed, with a look of nothing but pure hatred on his face. Jeff smiled back at the enraged Slenderman and charged back at him, taking out his extra knife while doing so. Jeff dodged many of Slenderman's tentacles that were aimed at his heart, well, all except one. Luckily for Jeff, it missed his heart, but it did manage to cut a deeper cut on the same shoulder as before. "Augh!" Jeff called out in pain, but did not give up. He ran quickly up to Slenderman while he was recoiling his tentacles, Jeff quickly hopped up on the tall creature, wrapped his legs around his neck so that Slenderman couldn't easily shake him off, and carved Slenderman's symbol on his blank face. Jeff then quickly jumped off before Slenderman could attack again, Slenderman quickly grabbed his face in pain as black liquid started slowly ooze out of his face and through his fingers. Jeff quickly took this opportunity to climb a tree a few feet away with a strong branch where Slenderman couldn't simply find him right away. After a few moments of gripping his face, he went back to his hunt. He quickly looked around, then teleported, again, and again, and again, each time getting farther away from the tree that Jeff was in. 'Ha! Slendy really is an idiot! And all this time I thought he was-' Jeff's thoughts were cut off as he looked down at the black tentacle sticking out of his chest. He slowly turned around, coughing up some blood, only to see Slenderman behind him. "No eyes, always watches"
[Idk if I should continue this or not, so please leave your opinion below and suggestions for other death fights, author out!]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2015 ⏰

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