Chapter 13

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*Harry POV*

It was after the concert, and all i wanted to do was fall asleep with my arms wrapped around Alex. It might be a little weird that that's all i want but, well, it is.

I was about to ask her to spend the night with me when my ex, Kelsey, walked through the doors. To say i was suprised was an understatement. She was my last serious girlfriend before Alex, and then one day she was just gone.

Not like she disapeered but more like her modeling agency took her away from me. They wanted her to live in Milan for a couple years because it was a major fashion capitol and her career could skyrocket.

I was devastated. At first i wouldn't leave my room at all, even though i was only 16 i knew i had loved her. Thats why i couldn't bring myself to date again after her because i thought she would come back to me, like she said.

But she didn't and i eventually went back to being a normal person. I even went out for x-factor and look where i am now. I have an amazing girlfriend that i already like twice as much as Kelsey. But i'm still a bit happy she's here.

She was a big part of my life for a while, and it's hard to just forget all of that, so when she hugged me i savored it. She's matured now and is even more beautiful.

"Hey every one, i'm Kelsey. Harry's ex girlfriend from before he was famous," she said as she nudged me with her shoulder.

Is it bad that i wanted to kiss her?

"Hi i'm Miriam, and this is Alex, Harry's girlfriend," Miriam said putting emphasis on girlfriend.

"Let's go catch up, Harry. I've obviously missed a lot," Kelsey said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

"Be right back guys," I said as she pulled me through the doorway.

*Alex POV*

I hadn't even noticed that i had been holding my breath until i let it out. It's obvious that what they had hadn't left her eyes, but i trust Harry. He promised he would never hurt me, and i believe him.

"He knows what he's doing Kitten, don't worry," Louis whispered to me, but he seemed like he was trying to convince himself more than me, and that scared me a little...

"I trust him Lou, it's her i'm not too sure about," i said fiddling with my fingers.

They had been gone for like 10 minutes and it felt like years. I just prayed he wouldn't break me, I don't know how many times i can handle it.

"I'm going to take a walk around here," i said walking out of the room.

I decided to go to the stage because i was feeling a little claustrophobic about the whole situation.

I heard faint music playing and decided not to let people know i was around. I hid behind some of the equipment off stage and what i saw hurt.

Harry and this Kelsey chick were dancing around holding hands. They were spinning and laughing and every now and again one of them would peck the other's cheek. The big ending of the music happened and Harry did a huge dip with her.

The next thing killed me, and suprisingly, tears filled my eyes.

Once he brought her back up from the dip, she jumped on him and kissed him. He held her just like he held me the night before, and kissed back. I couldn't stay in my spot any longer and watch them make out.

"What the hell?" I said clearly as a tear rolled down my face and i quickly wiped it away.

They broke apart and Harry set he down quickly and they scooted away from each other.

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