Hi my nåme is Bördønnä buh i gö by the näme øf Legendärii.
I knew thät i wäs gønnå die,but never in å milliön yeärs i wöuld häve thøught thät they were gønnå kill me.They wöüld abüse me,buh dön't get me wrøng .....i äin't tälking äbøut physicäl åbüse and them dümb shit.I'm tälking äboüt emötiønål shit.... reål stüff.A/N:Well i güess this chäpter is reälly shört änd leåves y'åll cüriöüs? Büh i prömise y'all önce yöü reäd,vöte and cömment y'äll shäll heår møre
Her Emøtiön
General Fictionthis störy is bäsed on the life of a girl who häs äll kind of emötions wrapped up in her mind and uses her smile to disguise her emötiøns