Souls Await The Shadow Keeper- (Sequel to:Shadows of a soul keeper) -Intro

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'Souls Await The Shadow Keeper. Intro

Fire flared up around her, her eyes shone bright orange reflecting the colour of the flames as the flames shot from her hands at the nasty creatures surrounding her loved one, they didn't even make it five steps near him without bursting into flames.

"GRACIE!"  Someone yelled, the girl turned quickly and her hand shot downwards and roots from the ground entangling her new attackers leg as it fell to the ground, then her eyes lit up again as she set the monster on fire and it screamed in pain. Swinging around fast her leg shot out, making connection with her enemy that went flying, Her eyes turned a dusty grey before she was lifted in the air, she spun fast before heading straight to the ground, her fist slamming into the ground, a loud cracking sound was made and the ground split and she leaped to the side, hearing the screams of the Trigots falling into the deep hole she had just made, she knew the drop would kill her attackers, the battle went on and on, until she was sent flying, she flipped in the air and landed in a crouch, turning quickly to see her attacker, his eyes, swirling with the same colours as her own does when she is using her powers... No way... Another burian... A cruel smile twisted on his lips before he ran at her, she screamed in anger and her hands shot out, Fire bursting from them at him, they dropped mid-air as he froze them, his leg shot out and she hit the ground hard and he was on top of her, his hand to her neck, his eyes looking into hers .

"Hello dear" He said before everything faded to black....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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Souls Await The Shadow Keeper- (Sequel to:Shadows of  a soul keeper) -[On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now