Not like her

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"Oh my god...what happend Aubree?" i walked into the bathroom to find one of my best friends crying in the bathroom.She looks up.Mascara was running down her bright blue eyes." fine" she says. "You and I both know thats not true.I know your not." I say. I go into one of the stalls and get toilet paper and hand it to her.She takes it.I help her up.

"So what happend?" i ask.She stays quiet for a minute." uumm...just family stuff...thats all.." i knew she was lying.The expression in her eyes always change and she starts biting her lip when she's lying."you're lying.Tell me the truth." i say. She looks up and her eyes are glossy and watering." You know.......kate and her friends they said some things and-" she grabs her mouth and starts throbbing."and they said i was fat and ugly and worthless........" she covered her face.I pulled her in for hug and thats when her cries got louder." You definetly aren any of those things.You are not fat and not ugly and not worthless.Dont pay attention to them" She pulls away and nodds.I help her with her makeup. "thanks" she says.I say goodbye and we go back to class.


 I ran to my bed and got my phone that was ringing.It was Aubrees house phone.I answerd.


"hello?is this Payton?" it was Aubrees dad

"yeah.This is her." I could tell he was crying.

" Payton....Aubree's dead...we found her in her closet.She hung her self" He starts to cry.

 " no no no...she cant be gone is this some kind of joke? if it is it isnt funny....." i say.

" payton this is not a joke."  The world goes blank.Dead? Aubree? dead? I drop the phone and walk to the kitchen to where my mom is.She was cooking dinner.I have tears inmy eyes." honey whats wrong? she asks.I dont say anything i just go into her arms and start sobbing.You know.The kind of sob people make when they lose someone they love."aubree's d-dead!!" i cry.

Not like herWhere stories live. Discover now