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"Whats your name "I asked
"It's pewdipie"said pewds
"Im cry now lets hurry up"said cry
We ran in the darkness not armed running to what they think is safety even thos its never safe .
We arrived at a big blue house
"Whos this"said a bigger black woman
"Its a teenage girl we found by a rock glozelle"said cry
"How do you know shes not infected"said glozelle
"Pewds go check"asked cry

Pewds.pov. "really cry" I moaned "yes just check"yelled glozelle
I pulled up her sleeve and there was a bite but it did not look like zombie bite
"Therez a bite"I yelled over to glozelle
"Ill get docter markiplier"said cry man does cry look hot I thought to myself

Cry.pov. I went into the house and got the doctor he looked at her bite "I dont know if a bite or not do she will stay out here for the night"said mark

AuthorS NOTE characters in this are named after youtubers like Cry pewds markiplier and glozelle

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