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I'm the one they're after, the one they're looking for. My names Fern Razor. Pretty ironic I know. Considering I'm a murderer. I don't know when I started to like killing people, it just happened. Well, I guess I could be from when I watched my farther kill my mom and two younger brothers. Ill never know.

I was in north Carolina, my latest killing town. The police were never looking for me here. That's what makes it so great. I can kill all I want. It was 1:30 in the morning, my killing time. I was walking slowly down the street, looking for any signs of spectators. There was only one house on the entire street that had lights on. Number 22. I walked up to the door, knife in hand. I took a hair slide out of my pocket and picked the lock. It opened as easily. All the lights were off down stairs so I walked slowly up to the next floor. Every door was shut except one. It was open slightly so only small amount of light was coming through. I held my knife loosely, and slipped into the room. The guy in room had head phones on and has back to me, so I could easily walk behind him. With the knife still in my hand, I crept up to the figure. I looked at the screen and saw he was playing gta. that was my favourite game. I pulled his head phones off and disconnected his Skype call, so he had no contact with the people he was playing with.

'' who are you?'' he asked, looking deep into my green eyes.

(h20 delirious x reader) CraniumWhere stories live. Discover now