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-Lukas's POV of course-
I sighed, sitting at my computer, filling out an application for some site.
I had been single for three months and it was time I found someone that interested me in the slightest.
But unfortunately there had been no luck.
I had been on many dates but none ever called for a second.
Most were women anyways and I wasn't much for females.
But alas I still needed somebody.
So there I sat, looking at the bright screen on the computer. Not finding anything at all that interested me.
Only minutes later my cat came up to me, jumping onto the desk and nuzzling my hand.
I smiled a little, picking the longhaired white cat up and putting it in my lap, petting it softly and then turned my attention back to the screen.
After about three hours I stopped, sitting back and groaning while rubbing my face.
Maybe something good will come out of this?
As soon as my profile was set up three girls asked me on a date.
I declined as it was that my profile said that I was looking for men.
The girls were cute bit I honestly was just looking for a nice guy that might be fun to be with.
But that doesn't happen.
Most gay men throw themselves at me and it's disgusting.
Like my ex. He threw himself at me all the time, since middle school he threw himself at me.
So I gave him a chance.
Obviously that didn't go well.
I've been out on a date with three people since him.
The first was a British man named Arthur, he was blonde and about my height. He insisted that on the first date he cooked for me. And of course that ruined it, he was a terrible cook.
The second was a Norwegian named Ålan. He was very cute, but much too......feminine. On the first date he refused to let me hold his hand because 'he wasn't ready for such intimacy.'
The third and final was the only one that seemed to show any potential as being someone I could even be slightly romantically attracted to.
His name was Tino. He was very kind when he contacted me to see about setting up a date. But I'm nervous.
He was odd to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2015 ⏰

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