Miss Maddison Williams

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The light began to creep through the curtains, the slight warmth of the sun hitting my pale skin, it hurts.
Slowly opening my eyes, I realised it was time to get up, already. Ugh. I hate mornings. I looked around to find that the book had gone, whatever. My family must have moved it while I was asleep.
I sat up slowly, my muscles waking up and starting to move again. I feel like a clockwork drone in this 'metal-based' society that we've build around us, and I hate it.
One foot. Both feet. I slide out of bed and realise, the book is on the floor, I pick it up, must've fell off in the night. I placed it back on a shelf, hopefully it won't move anymore.
I wasn't hungry, so I decided breakfast was a miss. As usual. I slid into a pair of ripped, black skinnies and an old Nirvana tank, not seeing anyone special today, won't fuss.
I sat and put on the usual makeup. Black eyeliner, eyeshadow and a matte lipstick in midnight.
Nothing new or exciting.
I felt eyes burning into the back of my head, peering over my shoulder, no one was there. Just the shelf. In which I placed the book. The book I found last night.
Slowly, I took long strides across the room and delicately picked the book up. I could read this today? Re-tracing my steps, I sat back at my desk and put the book in front of me. I edged my fingers to the corner of the cover, daring myself to open it...
It's a book? What harm can a book do to me? Seriously. Eda. Pull yourself together.
I open the book carefully to reveal..
"I SAID IT ONCE, I SAID IT TWICE, IVE SAID IT A THOUSAND FUCKING TIMES, THAT IM OKAY, THAT IM FINE-" Bring me the horizon rung out through my room. My cell.
"Hello?" I almost asked as I picked it up.
"Hello." He paused "Is this Miss Williams?"
"No..." I retreat from my confidence like I've been burnt,
"Wrong number, sorry love." The phone rings silence through my ears. His voice was deep, hoarse, and fairly slow. Thinking nothing of it, I turned around, and suddenly forgot what I was doing. So, I decided to watch TV.
Clasping the remote I pressed several buttons, the news. I hate the news, so depressing.
"27 year old Maddison Williams is thought to be missing, ever since last night, this has been the 17th disappearance this month. Police are looking hard at the evidence, the evidence suggesting she is dead. For more information, go to our webpage...."
I rolled my eyes.
Ahh yes. My book.
I opened it again. 'Previous owners' there's always a list, I always read it. There are 17 different names (excluding mine), last person?
Maddison Williams.
Who's Maddison?
~ Caitlin 💞

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