Chapter 1 - Welcome to Hope's Peak

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Seventeen, that was the number of teenagers that woke up in the building of Hope's Peak academy. Seventeen students who didn't remember anything after setting foot on the school ground for the first time. One by one these Ultimate's heard the announcement that told them to come to the gym. In the gym these seventeen students. met for the first time all confused.

Nagisa Akeno, who was standing in the front, was the first who talked. "So I know we are classmates and this is probably the entrance ceremony or something. So let's start the introductions, shall we?" The rest of the group stared at him still confused. One of the girls was the first to react. "Okay then I will go first!" She said throwing her fist into the air, happy. "My name is Nasumi Dormane and I'm chosen by Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Lucky Student!" The tall girl says smiling, her glasses shimmering in the light of the ceiling lights. "Is that even a talent? I'm Fay Kazuki, by the way. The Ultimate Rapper, but you probably already knew that." an girl with brown curls said. "It's not nice to say that Fay, Hello everyone I'm Haru Saeki, the Ultimate Radio DJ." The boy next to Fay said. Then Nagisa talked again "Well that's interesting. I'm Nagisa Akeno the Ultimate Know-it-all." A girl with two long braids mumbled something like "Ultimate Know-it-all, I wrote an article about that. I think it was an interview with some people. They all called him annoying." Nagisa heard this and reacted: "What was that you crazy journalist?" The girl nodded "Yes that's me! I'm Paulien Komaeda the Ultimate Journalist!" She said smiling.

"A journalist? The press follows me everywhere." A cute looking girl joked. "What do you mean by that? my name is Minami Nasuki, the Ultimate Reasearcher." The girl brushed her dress off and smiled at Minami. "I am Melissa Nesan, the Ultimate Actress." A stylish boy stept in front of Melissa. "Oh my the Ultimate Actress, you need to wear one of my outfits as I am Aki Fuyumoto, the Ultimate Designer!" A tough looking girl sighed interrupting Aki and Melissa's talk "I bet there are no cars here, so no reason for Mona Kisaki the Ultimate F1 Racer to be here." Immediatly a creepy looking boy was standing next to her. "I understand, now tell me about your problems." Mona looked at him freaked out. "Who the fuck are you? You're freaking Mona out." The boy nodded. "Yes, yes, I am Yamato Okumura the Ultimate Psychologist. Now what are you thinking right now." The girl looked at him. "Mona thinks you need to go away." "I agree with you." A tom-boy like girl said sitting next to Mona. "Oh Mona likes you already, uhh what's your name?" The F1 racer said. "My name's Kyouko Kirishima the Ultimate Visagist. And I think you're cool too." "A designer, visagist and hairdresser! We could make a fashion team!" Said a cute girl. "Hairdresser?" Aki asked, suprised. "Yep, I'm Ayumi Yoshikazu, the Ultimate Hairdresser! And a big fan of your designs Aki!" was her answer. Aki and Kyouko laughed. "We really could make a fashion team." The tough girl said.

"Doesn't anyone notice that there is no teacher?" Said someone at the back of the group. The whole group turned and looked at two girls and a boy who stood there. Nobody knew who they were, or who talked. But all three teens had a mysterious, intimitating 'Don't fuck with me' aura. "And who are you? If I may ask?" Minami asked. "I am Loia Hashinaru the Ultimate Spy. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that you didn't notice that there is no one in charge here." the girl with two ponytails and a cross like clip in her hair. It was the same voice that made everyone turn to these students. "I agree with that it's suspicious that we didn't see anyone but us seventeen." reacted a tall boy who hadn't said anything until now. "And you are?" "I'm Shiro Chomei, the Ultimate Lawyer." The boy next to Loia reacted to his name. "You! I will kill you!" and he charged at Shiro. "Um, excuse me. And who do you think you are?" Was the Lawyer's reaction when he looked at the boy. "I am Kai Makari, the Ultimate Assasin." The last girl in the back twirled a hairlock around her finger. "Ultimate Assasin, interesting. And the Ultimate Lawyer, you must be rich. That means lots of stuff." she smirked. Everyone looked at the girl, even Kai. You could say that no one noticed her till now. "Who the heck are you? And since when are you there?" Kai asked/yelled at her. "I am R, the Ultimate Thief." And she looked at a watch in her hand. "Wait a minute. That's my watch! Where did you get that?" Shiro asked, confused. "From your wrist." She said it calm like it was no big deal.

"U-Um, I'm sorry b-but why is there a black and white cat on the c-ceiling?" asked a little boy. "Why are you apologising?" Asked Paulien ready to write the answer down. "C-cause you where talking and I i-interrupted." The boy answerd her. She nodded and asked: "And who are you? And what do you mean by a cat on the ceiling?" The boy looked at his feet. "I-I am Ota Yasuyuki, the U-U-Ultimate Artist." He wanted to say more but was cut off by a high, chirping and annoying voice. "Mumumumumumu~ By cat on the ceiling he meant me!" And a half black half white cat jumped down in the middle of the group. "I am Mononeko, the fabulous cat!" You can say that everyone was freaked out. "You're staring. That's so rudeee..." The cat said fake-crying. Everyone was still looking at this... Mononeko. Some were looking freaked out but others interested, like they wanted to find out what was up with this cat. "Stop staring at your teacher you rude brats!" With that sentence everyone snapped out of their trance. Ayumi was the first to talk. "How can a stuffed animal be our teacher?" She asked. The cat immediately looked sad. "Stuffed animal, that's so rude..."

Minami took the cat in her arms and inspected it from head to toe. "How. Does. This. Thing. Work?" She said, shaking Mononeko up and down. "Thing... You guys are so rudeee... And stop shaking me!" Mononeko said jumping out of Minami's arms. The cat waggled to the stage. "Ahem." She scraped her throat. "Welcome students to Hope's Peak Academy! A school where the symbols of hope are taught to become the leaders of the future! And now this academy of hope will be turned into an academy of despair! 'Cause you will kill each other!" She said. It was like a 'speach' she practiced a thousand times. "And what excactly do you mean by kill?" asked Loia, looking Mononeko straight in the eye. "What do I mean by kill? Well by kill I mean... Stabbing, slashing, poisioning, betraying, burning, hanging, shooting, hitting and so many things moreee..." Mononeko said smiling a big smile. It looked kind of creepy.

"We're so not gonna do that. Maybe that crazy assasin will but the rest of us isn't that crazy." Fay said with a hand on her hip. "Ah, Miss Kazuki, do you really think that?" Mononeko answerd, her head tilted to the side. "Well then, you can go look around now or something. I left some presents in your rooms. Bye bye!" And with that the cat disappeared. Everyone decided that going in groups was the best so that's what they did. Melissa and Paulien decided to get R to join their little group and the three girls walked away chatting. Ayumi, Ota and Haru decided to go together. Shiro, Loia and Minami were going to look for clues on the mastermind. Aki, Mona, Kyouko and Kai decided to look for an exit. Yamato and Nasumi teamed up while Fay and Nagisa walked off alone.

Paulien, Melissa and R were the first ones to stumble upon the sleeping dorms. Quite literally cause R tripped over her own feet falling against one of the doors. The dorms were divided in groups of four. Each group had a shared living room. All the doors had locks and a name plate. The dorms of group 1 were Melissa, Paulien, R and Loia. Group 2 were Ayumi, Mona, Kyouko and Fay. Group 3 were Minami, Nasumi, Shiro and Kai. And Yamato, Ota, Haru, Aki and Nagisa were the 4th group. The three girls walked into their own dorms spotting a black and white box with a red ribbon on it. All the rooms looked exactly the same. A tv screen, a camera, a dresser, an one person bed, a desk and a bathroom with a lock.

In the meanwhile Ayumi, Ota and Haru found the kitchen and cafateria. Ayumi was scanning all the food supplies to see how long until they couldn't be eaten anymore. Ota and Haru where just looking around in the windowless room. Ayumi called for them from the kitchen, "Ota, Haru, come check this out!" Next to the supplies storage was a black door. It wasn't locked. "Should we open it?" Asked Haru. "Yeah, why not?" Said Ayumi her hand on the doorknob. "I-I d-don't know guys. I-I mean the c-c-cat told us to k-kill each o-other. I-It c-c-could be a trap." Ota said. "But if we never try, we never know." Ayumi smiled and opened the door. 

A/N: Did you guys like it? Please vote if you did, and we will upload the next chapter as soon as possible! If you like, please take a look at our seperate Wattpad accounts: Red-Rosalie and QueenPaulien. We already made the character designs and we will upload them later. Maybe we'll use it as a cover, or set them in a seperate book, or set one character at the start of each chapter. Please tell us what you would find the best.

Hope you had fun reading this!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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