Beauty is a Curse

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Beauty is a Curse

"We here are attended in hosting the annual 75th War for Love Games, I your host Genie,with my assistance Abu will be leading you to the pathways of the War for love games." We here have eleven beautiful princesses by the names of Cinderella, Belle, Rapunzel, Snow White, Ariel, Mulan, Aurora, Jasmine, Tiana, Merida, and Pocahontas. They have been placed in the War for love games; which is a war among all the princess to see which one of them is the last standing and that princess will marry Prince Charming. Stay tuned tomorrow when the real show will begin but let's meet the princesses first and ask them some questions.

As I hear my name called from the microphone "Cinderella" I think of the possibilities that could happen while fighting, but I always remember that sweet face of Prince Charming hoping he will be mine. I go up there confident like my father always told me, confidence is key. There were so many bizarre questions like who do you think is the weakest princess here. I didn't wanna say anything because I wasn't trying to start any rivalries.

Many princesses were called one after another all asked really weird questions. The princess all looked at each other with fear in their eyes but a straight face. They all seemed to have no clue of what to do besides three of the princesses, Mulan, Merida, and Pocahontas. They have been from backgrounds of strength and independence, they fought for what they believed in and they eventually won. It was gonna be a long day tomorrow so most of them went to bed but who could sleep thinking of the fact that tomorrow could be their last day of life.

As the night passed no one seemed to sleep, they all seemed to have thoughts of not being good enough for prince charming. Early that morning all the princesses went to go eat there last meal if they wouldn't still be alive. A name roll call was established but one of the princess's wasn't there they called her name multiple times " Snow-white", but there was no answer. The 7 dwarfs knocked on her door but there was no answer just silence at it's purest. Grumpy then said " let us break this door down"! They all ran right into the door and after a few tries knocked it down. Everyone was in shock finding Snow white dead, seeing a knife laying on her chest and with letters traced in blood saying "watch out".

Everyone was panicking but an announcement was made on the tv screen it was Prince Charming himself, he quoted "may the war of love games continue tomorrow we will deal with this situation later that is all". Many voices frantically spreading all around "that is oddly peculiar" said the godmother of Cinderella. "Something seems odd about this Prince Charming and I am going to find out what it is".

The daylight soon became into the night time and many of the princess's were frightened by the tragedy that had happened to Snow White. As the time moved faster heart beats were the sound of an ocean, heavy. All of a sudden several screams were heard running to the noise four princess dead blood all over the cold ground. Tiana, Jasmine, Aurora and Ariel dead, then a loud slam from the door, Prince Charming holding a knife. "Now who do we have here Cinderella, Belle, Rapunzel, Mulan, Merida , and Pocahontas." All in shock "how could you do this to us," said Cinderella. "It's a long story just kidding I'm crazy" said Prince Charming. Mulan taking out two swords out of her bag "Let's do this ladies". Pocahontas calling all her animals, Merida with her bow and arrow, Belle with her knowledge of books and Cinderella with her glass shoes.

All coming together, cutting, stabbing, and hitting blood and tears on the ground. "Prince Charming he's dead", said belle. As the bloody death came to a finish an announcement was made, Prince Charming was the murder for the death of five princesses. After an hour the cops came to settle the crime scene and the War for love games is never going to happen again. Realizing that a pretty face can have the worst personality. In realization love isn't real it was only a matter of time that the princesses recovered and life went on as nothing happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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