The war that never ends

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the war that will never end we are at war with china and we are out of bullets the chines are moving fast. we have to abounded the outpost it is late there are land mines. so we start to move out we have to move to them so we grab some food and head out by the time we get there that are asleep we have them.

we start to watch them to see there patterned them switch them every 90 min so we start to go in when the scout come back we did not here him until he say really load that THERE GONE the commander said he was pissed. after he was done yelling he look up and look at something he aim his gun and fired i herd something falling down the hill and when i look it was my spy!

i went to run to him when my ally push me down and aim a gun to may head and said get up i said why he said we are going to meet them and i was puzzled i said what did you say you herd me now get up he said we start to walk down the hill i was trying to clear my head but i failed.

so we went down there and the commander was there he say hes name was devon but he told me to called him your worst night mare i started to back talk him so he hit me after he hit me i hit him back i was not cuffed yet when i got him down to the ground someone hit me in the back of the head i got knock out when i got up i heard a familiar voice but it was feint i said who was there but no answer i ask again but no answer and that is when i heard a door slam it was devon as he came in he hit me and a i was fighting back by moving mine seat it was painful but when he stop he ask me where is your reinforcements i said i have none you MURDER them ALL.

I will ask you a again where are they that could not be it i was to easy. no shit it was to easy you had c4 on the road and shot at us with snipers yes we did yes we did i have a anther questen why do you have a bow and arrow because i had to use what i have unlike you assholes.

so after the interrogate the throw me in to a pit filled with water and covered it will leaves. when i woke up i was some where strange nothing was there. i dont know where i am but i see something in the distence i was the russian army i had to run fast if they see me the u.s will go to war.

so i start to run away from the russian solders we i ran i found a pit i try to get in but a tank fire at me it gust miss by a inch when the tank fire and miss it open up the hole a bit more so i could fit so i went it is was not a hole but a path underground so i follow it like i had a choice i follow the path for about 2hours and when i got to the end i got out and it was a town but when they saw me they grab weapon like a pipe a sword knives and ect.

i need food i told my self so i when to a stall and the guy grab a knife and he aim it at me WHAT THE HELL i said he went to cut me after i said that and after he did that he stop and said YOU ARE A MURDER what do you mean i did not murder anyone really the man said July 21 2000 i dont know what you are talking about yes you do no i don't but i know what he is talking about.

~flashback i was in russua this was when we where at war. i was task to scout the area to look for ambush points. i found one i went to call it in but the solders saw me and fire at me with m4s. i ran when i got hit in the head and past out. when i woke up i was in a seat tide up i could not move but i heard a voice and he said you don't want to miss this. when i heard that i had to get out of there so i was trying to get out and then someone came up behind me and cut the rope i when to see who it was but no one was there i see the troop no there was a sniper rife so i grab it and then i heard a boom so i when to go look haft of the troop was gone and there where snipers i could not do anything about it but i saw someone running so i look down my scope and saw it was a little kid he was no more then 10 years old i went to leave to a new target but someone came up behind me and we got in to a fight he went to pull something so i grab the seat and hit him with is and he fell on the gun and it...... fired i grab the man gun and shot him and i grab the sniper and look down the scoop and the kid was........ dead~

i don't know what you are talking about sir YES YOU DO YOU LAIR IN WAS THERE I WAS THE ONE YOU SHOT i lived and after you left i look throw the scoop my son was dead all thanks to you but you where the one who landed on the gun but you throw me on to it i did not mean to kill your son but why did you attack me if you where not a solder i saw you when you aim you gun at my son i wish i can take that back i left right after because of it. i would do anything to take it back well you can do one thing for me what is it i need more stuff for my shop if you can get some i will get you some supplies the only rick there is is the russua army they keep the borders lock down so you will have to get past them also you have to tell my wife what you did and then the people in the town will sell to you not until then i will give you some water and you will head out tomorrow morning OK i said.

i tried to get some sleep but the memory was haunting me i could not leave me be i could not stop thinking about it it was torture all over again so i had to leave now i went to his stall  to grab supplies and left without a word or sound i was a spy after all. i got to the fence there where guards all over the place with spotlights you could not get to the fence with out being shot or spotted so i went to find the hole in the fence but i had to hide from the guards  when i was walking to find the hole i saw something strange something you would not see at a guards outpost it was a........ bomb.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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