Chapter One

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An:// I do not own Naruto. I will say this once.

It's been a while since I last saw these gates. Almost six years if I recall. Yes it has been six years since I left with Sasori-sensei. I remember it all now.

~Flashback No Jutsu~

"Okay class, you are all dismissed," Iruka-sensei stated.

Everyone cheered as they ran outside to meet their moms and dads. As for me, I snuck out the building not wanting to hear all their cruel whispers. And so after hopping out the window, I headed to one of my most favorite places in the village.... Ichiraku Ramen Stand.

It didn't take me long, only about a minute, to figure out I was being followed. So I speed up my pace, not soon after that they did too. I broke out in to a flat out run going as fast as I could. But it was to late, I was grabbed and drug behind a store. In front of me was an very angry mob. Comprised of both shinobi and civilians alike. One walked up to me.

"Heh, look at we've got here.... the little demon boy," one of the villagers mocked.

"L-leave me alone!" I shouted as I tried to push by them.

"Oh he's getting aggressive now," another one of the villagers commented.

The original man kicked me to the ground and stomped on my chest, "So you think you're tough huh?" He asked kicking my face, " Answer me you demon scum!" He shouted as he picked me up.

I looked him evenly in the eye and spat on his face while staring impassively at him.

"Why you!... Get him!" He exclaimed angrily.

They all rushed me and started beating me down, I screamed for help but none came.

They drug me by my hair and through me into the street. A crowd formed around me as they started wailing on me. I looked through the crowd wishing... no praying for someone to help me. As the last man had his turn, they threw me back into the ally way behind the store.

I was left bleeding, barely conscious, and was most likely going to die. 'Is this really how it ends? Jumped and left for dead behind a store.... I never got to live my life..... I never fulfilled my dreams.... I never became Hokage.... Jiji.... I am sorry,' I thought as my eyes started to close.

When... "Little boy are you okay?" A voice asked.

My eyes immediately snapped open. Standing over top of me was a man. He wore a black robe with red clouds and he had red hair and eyes.

"Please... help me...." I begged. The man bent down and picked me up.

"Where are your parents?" He asked me. I slowly answered, " I don't have parents." His eyes widened.

"Poor child, this village is horrible... little boy I'm taking you away from here for a while."

My eyes widen this time. 'Is this a good idea?' " Okay mister..."

"Sasori. Sasori- sensei."

~Flashback No Jutsu Kai!~

    Sasori- sensei, I will remember what you said before you sent me here.

~Flashback No Jutsu~

   In a clearing Naruto and Sasori were finishing the last touches to their personal puppets.

       "Naruto," Sasori- sensei called. " Yes Sasori-sensei?" Naruto asked while refilling the  kunai pouches on his puppet.

     "You are leaving today to go back to Konoha," he ordered.

       "What?! Why?!" Naruto asked while yelling.

     "Because I said so..... I've been gone from my base and duties for six years. I have to return there to prepare for the plans and you have learned all that I could teach you. You have your own puppet that you made yourself. You don't need me anymore," Sasori explained.

           "So does that mean that I've finally become a puppet master!?" Naruto asked excitedly.

     "No," Sasori told him bluntly. "Wha-what do you mean," he exclaimed.

    "If you want to become a puppet master, then you will have to kill me first," Sasori stated.

        " B-but-"
   "No buts! Until you do you'll never become a master. Now go pack your things ... you leave today,"  Sasori said as he walked away.

~ Flashback No Justu Kai!~

      I had hoped that I would never have to come back here to this hell hole again, but oh well I'm here now.


     Naruto walked through the gates of Konoha only to be stopped by the guards. "Halt, state your name and business," they ordered.

        "Take me to the Hokage," Naruto said. Both guards looked at each other before sighing, " Follow us" they chorused.

They lead Naruto to the Hokage Tower. On the way there many people looked at Naruto with confusion wondering who he was.

The boy's hair was in a ponytail that fell down to his mid back. His arms and and hands were cover in bandages. He wore black shinobi pants and sandals. He had on sand colored armor, with three scrolls on his back.

Inside the scrolls were the boy's puppets.

The black scroll contained Akuma. It wore red armor with a black cloak filled with various poisons. It wore a demon mask that had sharp teeth and was red with pitch black eyes with a white pupil in each eye. Horns protruding from its head. It's mouth was a senbon launcher. It's chest had a nozzle that could spray toxic gas that would immobilize its enemies. Built into it's right hand was a flamethrower with the power equal to an A-ranked Jutsu. In it's left hand was red broad sword.

The white scroll contained the puppet Tenshi. It work white battle armor and cloak. His past was pure white with a smile on it. It's eyes where white with black pupils. The puppets mouth shot senbon coated in a muscle destroying poison, the antidote was kept safe in a pocket in Naruto's vest. The puppets left hand shot a pressurized air blast with destructive forces of a B-ranked Jutsu. In it's right hand was a white sword with a black hilt. Underneath the cloak were two spaces that held a pair of wings.

The blue scroll holds Naruto's most powerful puppet, which was also a human puppet. It held the Sandaime Mizukage, who was the only one to match the Nidaime Holage in water manipulation.

The guards walked up a set of stairs with Naruto trailing after them. Upon making it to the doors the guards knocked and entered when they heard a come in.

"What can I help you with?" the Hokage asked.

"This boy came to the gates and asked for you," they replied.

"What boy?" the Hokage asked.

"Me," Naruto said in a soft voice as he stepped forward.

The Hokage's pipe fell from his mouth and the papers he held fell scattered on the floor.

"Oh Kami-sama, Naruto? Is that you?"

An:// Hey everyone sorry it took so long. I have a new job so updates will be slower but I will work very hard to get it done at least twice a month. Hope have you enjoyed chapter one I did revamp it a little. Hope you had a good Halloween.

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