Part 1: Introduction

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Pokemon Ragnarok is a fangame featuring new Pokemons, Megaevolutions and Delta Pokemons.

This game is set in the region of Anser, a cool (in the sense of fresh) region with many forests and mountains. It is inspired by Great Britain.

First, I want to tell, that I loved the sixth generation. Ok, you can start killing me now. I started playing Pokemon from Pokemon Ruby and I was never disappointed by any game in the series. Well, maybe by Pokemon White.

Why did you make this introduction? Because I want to tell you one thing. This fangame is not going to be a wannabe like Pokemon Insurgence (which I really like, by the by), that sometimes it seems that it wants to yell "I'M BETTER THAN NINTENDO! NINTENDO SUCKS!". The keyword being "sometimes".

My fangame only aims at amusing you, without pretending anything else. We don't want to dethrone anyone.

With that got out of the way, let's talk a bit about the plot. The Plot is still a bit of a work in progress, so I won't say anything about it now.

This game will be an amazing journey for everyone of you, while also offering a mature and touching story.

I actually don't know what else to say for introducing you the game, 'till next time folks!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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