Sonic leaned back in the recliner he was sitting on, his feet on the seat of it, as he flipped the channels of the television, waiting for Shadow to get out the shower so they could go.
There saw nothing on that could capture his interest.
"Oh~ who lives in a pineapple under the sea-"
"Game on~, you bettah play your cards right-"
"The misadventures of Flapjack-"
"Too creepy"
He set down the remote and with a click he heard the bathroom door open.
Stealthily he glanced out the corner of his eye at the black hedgehog and his face flushed as a bunch of dirty images came to mind.
Shadow was naked~ and wet~His eyelids lowered as he wondered how those muscles under that black fur would feel against his hands, and as his inner pervert cheered for the towel around Shadow's waist to drop, the image of them kissing furiously slammed into the front of his mind like Amy's hammer.
Now that he thought about it; he didn't mind waiting around for a bit.
"Are you ready?" Shadow called from across the room as he pulled on his skates.
'Oh I'm ready! But not for what YOU'RE thinking' Said the voice in Sonic's head.
"Yup, lets go~"As they walked down to the patio, Sonic was cheerfully singing the Teen Titans theme song, much to Shadow's annoyance.
"Shut up Sonic!"
Sonic grinned.
"Sorry~ it's stuck in my head!"As the rest of the Kitchen duty group made breakfast Shadow was leaning against the wall reading his book when the song began to play in his head...
A vein in his temple twitched as it replayed over and over and he gritted his teeth.
'That damned stupid HEGDEHOG!' he thought angrily.Sonic tried to ignore the constant comments from Claymore as he ate his food.
It was getting a bit out of hand, because now the badger was carelessly explaining, in great detail what he would do to the hedgehog if he would meet him in his room, causing both he and Knuckles to cover up Tail's ears who looked around confused.
At one point the badger came over and leaned on the table trying to convince Sonic to meet him later.
"Aww~ Common cutie~ It'd be lots and lots of fun~"
"No Thank you."
Sonic said as he sipped his orange juice.
"Common~ you should try it; old Claymore would show you a REAL good time~"
"I said no thank you.""Oh I see what you're doing~ playing hard to get huh?" Claymore said winking, and then he made the grave mistake of flicking Sonic's nose.
In a flash Sonic had the butter knife and he brought it back, quite ready to stab the badger with it, when Sonic felt his freeze in air unable to move out of Shadow's iron grip as the black hedgehog looked up finally and gave Sonic a piercing stare in the eye.
"Claymore, the guy said no, so get away before you get yourself hurt.Sonic let go of that knife this instant."
Claymore's face paled as the knife fell with a clatter and Sonic grabbed his arm away and crossed them over his chest staring pointedly at his plate.Sonic felt disgusted with himself...
Claymore was annoying yes, but he didn't exactly deserve to be hurt over it...
Claymore tried to laugh off the dangerous air."O-oh feisty one a-aren't yuh!"
Wake Up Sonic
Humor•Sonadow, Teacher/Student • •As a college student, life is already complicated; even more so when through some strange seris of events you end up in a relationship with your teacher! Rated M. Equal parts drama and humor.•