Mixed Feelings

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"And I, don't know which way to go
and I should've never let my feelings show could it be my life's been takin i can feel my young heart breakin"-LFO Alayna

Ever since Dancing With The Stars ended i felt weird. Emptiness you might call it.

The truth Is, I missed Allison, maybe a little too much.It killed me, literally not bring able to see her everyday like we used to.

I don't know, I guess I've fallen for her. I remember the first rehearsal we had recorded.

I smiled just thinking about it. She acted so awkward and I played the cool card.

But truth be told it was the cutest thing ever. Her laugh, her smile the way she took charge, i loved it all.

Yes I know she's married. Yes I know she has a daughter. And yes I know I have a girlfriend.But.. But Allison was different then Vanni I don't even know how to explain it.

Yes I loved Vanni but my love for Allison was different. I felt more of a connection. I don't man I'm just so confused, I think I should just go to bed. But as soon as my head hit the pillow Vanni bursted through the tour bus door. I sighed.

I just came back from talking with Courtney. I explained to her how annoyed i was with Riker.

Ever since this tour started all he was doing was being distance. I don't know what his problem was he was fine before we left for tour.

We'd do the couple, couple things like long walks on the beach going to the fair hell we even went on vacation in the Bahamas. It felt like a fairytale to me

But that feeling was slowly fading, all I feel like now is a burden. The only reason I agreed to the worldwide yoga classes was to be close to him.

I could have just stayed in L.A and taught local classes but I didn't. It just seems I'm putting more into this relationship then he was.

"Riker we need to talk" I said hesitant. He groaned. "Vanni, can't this wait until tomorrow? I'm tired" he whined while the words flooded out of his mouth.

I frowned. That stung. He didn't even want to make the time to even have a conversion with me. I could feel the tears trying to form in my eyes threating to spill out.

I took a deep breath. "You know what, never mind." I said hoping he'd hear the hurt in my voice. But nothing, all he did was turn on his side and went to sleep, not even asking if I was okay or not. Not even giving me a kiss goodnight.

I turned to look at the front of the bus then back at him. And murmured "You're not the same man I fell in love with" I ran out not even looking back.

(The Next Day)

Everyone was gathered together at the table on the bus. They were all chatting about Andy being on Dancing With The Stars.

"We totally have to see him when we get back to L.A" Ry said with his mouth full.

"Ewwwww gross, Ryland for once in your life could you not talk with food in your mouth" Rydel whined. He rolled his eyes and continued eating.

Ross looked at me. "Court you okay, you've been awfully quiet" he said with concern in his voice. I looked down at my hands.

"Um yeah. I'm just worried about Vanni. She didn't come back to our hotel room last night" Ross looked at everyone at the table, especially Riker.

All he did was look down at the Banana he was eating. "Did she tell you where she was going?" Ross interrogated.

"No. And that's what worries me. The last thing we did was talk and watch Gossip Girl reruns."

"Don't worry Hun she'll turn up. She probably was just exploring and crashed somewhere" Stormie said with ease.

Out of all the people that were at this I was the only one worried, at least Riker should be she's his girlfriend for god sakes.

But no. Instead he rather just stuff his face then look for her like a normal Boyfriend would be.

I sighed In frustration. Then threw my napkin on my plate. "I gotta go" I said kind of snobby and with that I walked out.

A/N Okay usually I try to write a thousand word chapters but since this is kind of like a pilot chapter I'll keep it short. So let me know what you guys think and let me know if I should continue with this. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks lovelies :)

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