The Death Games

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This is my first attempt at a novel :) enjoy


"The rules of the game are simple, there are 10 competitors, each competitor gets a name, the aim of the game is to kill the person who's name is on your paper before you get killed- simple right?"

Murmurs erupted in the group of about ten as we finally realised what was happening. Glancing around the room I saw a range of young boys and girls similar in age all wearing the same as I was. A dark grey long sleeved shirt, black pants and black boots.

"Lucy!" I hear my name being called by a familiar voice.

"Josh! You're here, I mean what? You're here? What happened?"

"Well I was on my way home from school walking down 5th street and I felt dizzy and blacked  out. I awoke in this room.... Weird huh? What about you?"

"Woah very strange, I was the same except I was at home, downstairs doing laundry for mom and then I blacked out as well. What do you think happened?"

"I'm not sure at all, this is all so strange"

The speakers overhead buzzed and the voice from before rebroadcast its message.

"The rules of the game are simple, each competitor gets a name, the aim of the game is to kill the person who's name is on your paper before you get killed- simple right?"

Just then the door that was at the far end of the room clicked and unlocked and a little man with beady eyes dressed from head to toe in black stepped into the room and locked the door behind him.

"Listen up!" He shouted into the crowd who all shushed each other and turned to face him.

"You have all been selected to participate in these trials". The way he said trials bugged me, he said it as if we were all jut a part of some rat in a cage experiment.

"You are all between the ages of 15-18." I gasped, not noticing it before then I realised that most people here looked younger than me.

"In about 15 minutes this door will open and you will find yourselves in a house, it is an ordinary house except there is no way out unless you follow our rules and kill the person whose name is written on your paper, find who has your name and manage to stay alive". And then he grinned , it sent shock waves of fear that ran in shivers up and down my spine. Then he turned and left.

After about 10 more minutes the door clicked open, swung slowly and revealed a staircase which seemed to lead higher than imaginable. Most of the group began to file out and I followed. We entered the hallway, our footsteps echoing on the walls, that held photographs of a old fashioned looking family that hung in various places along it. We all took a seat on the cracked leather couches that seemed oddly placed at the far end of the hall past the staircase and pushed in a corner. The room we were in seemed to be like a sun room but there were only the outline of Windows but no light was getting through, as if they had all been boarded up. A few minutes later footsteps were heard in the hallway and into the room walked the man from before.

"Right he said, in your back pockets is your names, wait 5 minutes before you open it or we will be forced to eliminate you". Then he smirked, turned, then left us all staring in his wake.

My mind was swimming with fear. I was so confused and so frightened and I didn't know what to do so I left the room staring at the ground and trying not to think about any of this.

I briskly walked up the stairs and I entered the first room I came to on the first floor. It was a children's bedroom decorated with bright colours and a yellow mat that sat in the centre of the floor. I climbed onto the top bunk which was placed against the far wall. The old wooden ladder creaked as my boots climbed. About 2 minutes to go. I could vaguely hear everyone else downstairs pacing the hall waiting to get started. Everyone that I saw seemed really dangerous and scary. I admit it, I was scared! To kill someone is terrifying but to have to kill someone and watch out for an unknown person who is going to kill you is overwhelming.

A short, shrill alarm sounded throughout the house and I guessed that that was the beginning of the games. I reached into my back jeans pocket and felt the soft edges of the paper. I pulled it out, unfolded it then let out a small whimper as I read the name. Then I stared in horror, unbelieving at what I was reading, there, printed neatly on the square piece of paper was written Josh.


I don't know how long I sat there but I finally got myself together enough to know I had to do something.

'Right I think, I need to be cautious, I need to be quiet and I need to be smart.'

The house was big, four stories tall and I think I saw some steps leading into a basement. By now people would be scattered throughout the house, less people on my level.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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