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In the last 10 years I have had some of the best times in my life. I have spent them surrounded by people I love and in the city I love, New York; where I run my very own dance studio.

In the years since our marriage, the Scott-Chigvintsev family has grown. Our boys, Vlad age 6 and Alek age 4, have dancing in their genes and are already turning out to be small versions of their father. They enjoy dancing with me and all the other kids their age at my studio.

Artem has been away working the past few weeks, training celebrities on the show Dancing With The Stars. The show is very successful. Each professional dancer is partnered up with a celebrity who has no dance experience.

Not to be biased, but Artem and his partner Janel have probably the best partnership on the show.

Each week after the show Artem flys home to see me and his boys before flying back to LA to rehearse and this weekend I thought it would be fun for us to fly out to him instead and stay to see him perform live before returning to the studio and their homeschooling.

I looked at my precious boys all dressed and ready to go. Vlad sitting up proper and patiently and Alek looking sad.

"Are you two ready to go see daddy!?" I asked them excitedly mostly trying to cheer up Alek.

"Yeah!" Vlad shouted "can we leave already!" He begged. He has been dying to see both LA and his dad and has let everybody and anybody know about it.

Alek on the other hand is much more reserved, he hides behind me whenever someone he doesn't know speaks to him, and when it comes to seeing his daddy, it's not that he isn't excited, he just is afraid to fly on an airplane.

I picked him up and looked in his baby blue eyes.

"Alek." I said sweetly "there is nothing to be afraid of, we're going to get on the airplane and your going to see pretty clouds and maybe some birds and then your going to just feel like your still on the ground. When we land, your daddy will be the very first person you see in the airport and he will give you a big safe hug, how is that?"

Alek rubbed his eyes and nodded in my arms. I set him back down.

Tony Dovolani, my good friend and someone I look at as a father figure came and picked the boys and I up to drive us to the airport.

"You guys going to see your dad!" He said, just as excited as I was for them.

"Yeah." Vlad immediately shouted "hey Uncle Tony, guess what!"

"What is it little man?" He laughed.

"Daddy promised he would show me the ballroom and introduce me to all the dancers, he said I can be a pro for a day."

His pure innocence was so sweet. Tony took him outside when he noticed that Alek still would not budge from his spot inside the house.

When we were alone Alek ran to me.

"I don't want to go, mommy." He cried

"Would you like to talk to daddy?" I asked him.

He nodded and I dialed Artem's phone number.

"Hey, haven't you left yet? How are the boys." He said worriedly.

"Mister Alek here is afraid to leave the house, he doesn't want to go on the airplane." I said staring at a pouting but so sweet looking Alek.

Without waiting for me to ask him to talk to Alek, he demanded that I give him the phone.

I put the phone in Alek's hand and he raised it to his ear.

"Hi." He said happily.

"I don't want to go." He started to whine.

"Yes... Yes... Yeah."

"A big boy." He said. Artem must have asked him what kind of boy he was to get his confidence up.

Before long, after a nice talk with his dad, we were on our way. On the airplane, I was sitting in between Alek, who was being a brave little boy and Vlad who was nearly jumping out of his seat with excitement, awaiting our arrival in LA.

Dancing Away with My Heart: (Part 2 in Dancing with Artem Chigvintsev trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now