Chapter 1

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Kira POV

"Hi I'm Kira Ray Ryder I'm 15 and I live in Maine" I said trying not to laugh as my friends Hanna and Maddie recorded my interview for Mrs. Harpers documentary class. "Keep going Kir we aren't don't yet" Hanna said laughing when suddenly her dad Mr Lost came running in a panic

"Dad what's wrong" Hanna asked "your going to be late to school girls look at the time hurry don't forget Bailey and Ellie" Mr Lost said in a rushed tone. "Ok by dad love you" Hanna said as her dad left the room.

"Let's get ready" Maddie said putting on a black thick strap tank top with black ripped up high waisted jean shorts and white high top converses with her long brown curly hair in a high pony tail, I got dressed in black shorts and a white pocket tee short sleeved shirt I put my blonde hair into 2 French braids and put on my black vans,

Hanna put on coral colored shorts and a black tank top, I threw some black converses at her as well. "Ok we look cute now let's get Bailey, Ellie, Drew, Ethan, and Hadley (our siblings) ready then go" Hanna said walking into Bailey and Ellies room.

Bailey and Ellie walked out in matching pink polka dotted dresses with their hair in 2 french braids and little pink flip flops. "I just got a text saying the rest are with my mom and she's getting them to school" I said looking at my phone.

"Ok good let's go" Maddie said picking up her blue and white striped backpack. The minute we walked out the door it was clear something was wrong, that's when my neighbor Ms K said "girls you need to get inside lock all the doors and board the windows and doors barricade the whole place right now there coming!"

"Who?!?!?" I asked nervously awaiting the answer "The Zombies" Ms Kay said ushering us into the house "be safe dollies" she added before disappearing back into her home. "HURRY" I yelled locking the door, this was panic mode.

"Maddie hurry get some wood and nails from downstairs, Hanna lock all the doors and windows, Kids go to your room and stay quiet and still, stay away from the windows" I yelled directing everyone. I took out my phone to call my mom

"MOM" I yelled despretley as the phone went to voicemail every time. Hanna and Maddie got the whole house barricaded except for a crack in the upstairs front window so we could see outside. *Buzz* *Buzz* *Buzz* my phone was ringing, I checked the caller ID it was my friend Easton

"EAST OMG ARE YOU OK" I yelled franticly into the phone, "yes what about you Hanna and Maddie" he asked worried "were all ok what about Holden Gray and Eli" I asked pacing around the dark living room

"I'm with Holden but u don't know about Grey and Eli I've been trying to locate them for days" East says clearly stressing out "how about your family..." I asked quietly stopping in my tracks at the thought Easts mom was so great and so were his sisters god where are they where is my family,

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Easts answer in his small shaky voice he said "I tried I couldn't save them I tried I tried so hard I just couldnt" my breath hitched in my throught at the idea that I could be in Easts place now what if my family suffered the same fate the idea was to much to bear a single tear slid down my tan cheeks followed by another than another until I was crying hard.

"Its ok Kir" East said calmly how could he think about my family when his was gone? "Where are you" I asked trying to regain my shattered composer "at home where are you?" He asked back I could hear the pure concern in his voice through the phone, "I'm home to"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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