My Bad Boy Romance {1}

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"SKYE! Come down here please!" My mom yells from the kitchen.

I walk downstairs and my mom is looking out our window very intrigued. She ways me over to look outside. It's a family moving into the house on our right. It's a mom and two kids.

The young boy looks like they would be in seventh grade. He has dark hair that sticks up in the most perfect way. Not trying to sound creepy! It looks cute, ok? He was pretty blue eyes.

The older boy looks like he's in my grade. Well I hope so because he is very attractive. He looks like a complete bad ass. He looks like trouble. He has the same color hair as the younger boy but, his eyes are piercing blue.

My mom rips me out of my day dream examining them, "We should go and introduce ourselves."

My eyes grow wide, "No no no mom! They look busy." She looks at me understanding and nods her hair giving me the, you-are-right look.

I go back to my room and while I'm working on figuring out my schedule for the upcoming year, I look out my window. I see the older boy in his newly bought room. He's putting up posters on his wall. He took his jacket off from when I saw him earlier. I can see the muscles on his back and arms more clearly.

He turns around and looks at me. He smirks because my cheeks go red. I look away and continue to work. Like I said before, he looks like trouble.

My mom calls me down for dinner and at the table I see more than just two seatings.

"What's going on?"

"I invited our new neighbors because they don't have and groceries yet."

"Oh well I'll be right back" I run back to my room and change into something cuter.


When I enter the downstairs again, they are all sitting at our kitchen counter that has a few bar stools.

"Oh look there she is." My mom says with a smile on her face.

"Hey, I'm Skye." I shake the woman's hand

The older boy has a smirk on his face and an unreadable expression in his eyes.

I learn by the end of the night, the younger boy is in eight grade and the older boy is a senior, my grade. The younger boy's name is Luke, he's really sweet. The older boy's name is Colton, he doesn't talk much but, then again he looks like he doesn't want to be here.

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