Where is Here?

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So... this is exactly what happens when my english teacher hands us completely random assignments.  He assigned a dialogue theme to the class, and at first, I had no idea what to do.  He told us that we could only use minimal description, and that was where my trouble began.  I was so used to describing things as much as I wanted to.  I didn't want there to be a question of "How old is this character?" or "What color is their hair?".  So writing this theme was a challenge for me.  My original theme didn't sit well with me, just when I was about to hand it in.  I told my teacher that I didn't really like the theme that I had written, and asked it I could hand in a new one and get points deducted for it being handed in late.  He agreed.  And that night, the idea to write this new theme, which I ended up handing in the next day, hit me.  And so, here it is. 

P.S. The descriptions are written in italics, and the speaker is indicated with bold.



A conductor and a confused passenger are sitting in the dining area of a train.


Confused Passenger:  Sir, where am I?

Conductor:  Why, you are Here.  He points to the floor of the train.

Confused Passenger:  But where is here?

Conductor:  Here is not There.  He points to the floor of the train, then he points out the window, where a town could be seen in the distance.

Confused Passenger:  Okay.  Here is not there, but where is here?

Conductor:  Here is Here, and There is There.

Confused Passenger:  But where is here, and where is there?

Conductor:  There is where we are going, and Here is where we are.

Confused Passenger:  I don’t get what you’re trying to tell me!

Conductor:  Here is Here, man!  How can a man possibly be so confused?

Confused Passenger:  Well of course I’m confused!  You’re not telling me what I need to know!

Conductor:  I told you—Here is Here, and There is where we are going!

Confused Passenger:  Oh, the hell with you!  He looks for another passenger.  Ah, yes.  Excuse me madam.  Do you happen to know where we are?

Female Passenger:  Of course.  We are on Here.

Confused Passenger:  Pardon?  You mean that we are on the train?

Female Passenger:  No, sir.  I mean Here.  We are on Here.

Confused Passenger:  I know that we are on a train, but where is here?

Female Passenger:  Here, sir.

Confused Passenger:  I don’t understand any of you people! (shouted)

Conductor:  Pardon him, madam.  He really is a confused young man.

Female Passenger:   So I’ve noticed.  Please, excuse me, but I am late for a round of my cards in my cabin.

Conductor:  Of course.  Please enjoy the rest of the trip on Here.  She exits.

Confused Passenger:  I still don’t understand.  In fact, I’m more confused than I was at the start.

Conductor:  Well—a beeping sound cuts him off.

Confused Passenger:  What was that noise?

Announcer:  Thank you for traveling on Here.  We have reached There, so please be on your way.  And try not to forget any of your belongings on Here.  Have a nice day.

Confused Passenger:  You’ve got to be kidding me.



A/N:  There's actually a little bit more to the story of how I came up with this.  On the day that I asked for an extra day on my theme, we had to do a skit in my Spanish class.  It was for practicing our speech, but the scenario that my group had to act out was this: "One group member will be the conductor of a train.  The other two group members will be tourists that are confused about something."  I was a 'tourist' in my group.  A part of our conversation went like this:

Me:  Where am I?

Conductor:  Here.

Me: But where is here?

Conductor: Here is not there.

Me: That is not an answer!

So... our skit in Spanish also gave me inspiration.  And then I thought, after I wrote the new theme: "This reminds me of Who's on First?"

Nevertheless, that's where I came up with it.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Let me know what you think.

                                                    *~ Amaterasu2772~*

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