How I know

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You asked me how you know if you loved me
I ask myself that same question every day
How do I know I love you.
Love...its complicated.
It sneaks up on you and you have no idea its there
Until it nearly takes control of your soul
And it gets to that point in your mind
That point where you know it's there
You know what its capable of...
You've been given the chance to decide
Decide whether youll let it take hold of your heart or not
Its that simple


Maybe not...
Loves a complicated thing.
Sometimes you don't get the choice whether you want to love someone or not
It just happens. 

Love is not a feeling you should have to think twice about
Love is the definition of beauty
Love is...
Love is a theme park
Full of flashing lights and ups and downs
Some parts may be a Ferris wheel
Going round and round in a simple, easy way of life.
Always knowing that nothing will change.
But where's the point in that?
What's the point of trying anything new if you're too afraid of the future
Of what might happen if everything doesn't go as planned
Then there's the roller coasters
The intimidator
The scariest parts of love that only few people can overcome.
The ups and downs, the crashes and being thrown into loops and spins and flips
Head over heels to try and push through
Push through the fear of what's to come
Though you may be screaming and yelling and scared to death of where everything is going and you feel like you're going to crash and burn and you'll never be okay again feeling like you're headed straight for hell
You remember
You remember that they're there with you
Your partner in crime
The one you know you can't go through life without
Right there
Holding on
Right there with you
You remember that no matter what
No matter what happens
The two of you will always work together
You'll never want to leave them
Never want anything bad to happen to them
Whatever the circumstance
You'll protect
Care for
Lift up
Love them
Love them with everything you have
Love them with every piece of you
And you know that
Even through the ups and down of that roller coaster
They'll be there
And so will you

That's how I know I love you

But what if it isn't enough?
What if... They leave?
What if they give up?
Love takes two.
It takes two to be a whole.
Love isn't love anymore when only half of well oiled machine is starting to rust
The other parts keep pumping and pumping and pumping
Trying to keep the whole machine going
Working overtime to keep it alive
But the rest of the machine can only do so much
Can only hold on so long without the rusted part trying
What are you supposed to do at this point?
Can anything be fixed?
Or do you act like the rusted piece
And give up?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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