Trump grabbed Poots hand. She was shaking. Both were terrified. Slowly poot and trump walked over to the plane. The plane was huge. Poot stood back while Trump cautiously approached the plane.
Trump was approximately 69 feet away from the plane when the door opened. For 420 seconds nothing happened. Trump was impatient, and he turned around to face poot. Poot was about to speak when she saw someone walk out of the plane.
Poot gasped and pointed to the person who had stepped out of the plane and was slowly walking towards Trump. Trump spun around and was face to face with...DEMI LOVATO
Demi looked a lot different then poot remembered. She looked sadder. Her hair was blacker. Demi slowly approached poot. She looked deep into her sisters eyes.
Demi's face was red, and she was sweating. Then demi broke out in tears. Demi fell to the ground bawling and hitting the ground with her fists. Trump walked over to poot and pulled her away.
"Should you go try to comfort her?" Trump whispered into poots ear. Poot quickly shook her head. "Hell no" poot said to Trump. "I don't even know why she's upset." Poot took a breath before continuing. "She just shows up on our island then has a temper tantrum." Poot said.
Trump looked at poot. Before Trump had admired Poots hatred towards demi. But now Trump realized that poot was nothing but a salty bitch. BUT oH sWeEt JeSUS poot was beautiful. Salty or not Trump was in love with poot.