Chapter 1

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*beep beep*

My phone beeps and I look down from my homework. It's a text from Jane.

"Whatd you get on number 26?"

Her lack of apostrophe catches my eye. Jane would never do that normally. She must be wanting to get her homework done quickly so she can go to the premiere. Our favorite book got turned into a movie and it comes out tonight.

A bunch of us are going to see it together and are dressing like our favorite characters. Her dad is really strict and won't let her go anywhere unless she has all her homework done. My dad is like that too, but hers is worse. He was our high school's principal a couple years ago. He had to get certified to teach a bunch of different subjects before he could get that job. So he checks all her work and won't let her leave unless it's all correct.

He's basically the smartest person I know. The smartest person in town probably. He has standards to live up to though. His mom was a college professor and his dad was a general in the army. He would've gone into the military but he's not really in the best shape.

*beep beep*

It's Jane again.

"And number 31"

I reply even though I haven't gotten that far yet.

"I haven't done it yet but I looked it up and Google says it's 14y·6x=177y-2x and 36x+45y=12x/3y."

I set my math book down on the floor after I send the message. I need a break from endless homework. It's only the second week of senior year and I can already tell this is going to be a bad year.

All my classes were fairly easy last year. Not now. It's like they just now want me to have an actual education.

Reagan jumps on my bed. Reagan is one of my cats. She's sassy for a cat. She walks over to my softest pillow and lays down on it. I would try to move her but I know I would fail. She is fat and does what she wants. Amelia isn't like that. Amelia is my other cat. She is a skinny cat and is scared of everything. The term "scardey cat" comes from her. She and Reagan get along just fine though. That makes me happy. I've had Reagan longer. I got her the summer after seventh grade. I just got Amelia at the beginning of tenth grade. Maybe Reagan's facade of not caring about anything will rub off on Amelia. I love her just the way she is, but it'd be nice to be able to slam a door when I'm mad without having to comfort a shaking cat.

Reagan looks at me.

"How ya doin' Chub?" I ask her.

I call her that sometimes referring to her rolls.

She just looks away like I'm not even there. Oh well. I need to finish my work anyways.

I pick my math book back up and grab my phone. I didn't hear it go off. I have two texts. One from Jane and one from Chase.

Jane's said, "Okay. Thanks pal"

I don't reply. She'd get mad at me for "wasting her time."

Chase's says, "You have your costume ready?"

Chase is my best friend other than Jane. We are a pretty close group. Our costumes for the movie tonight all match. There is a band in the book made up of three people. It's two guys and a girl. It works out though because Jane has really short hair. Someone put gum in her hair last year and she had to cut it out. She hated it but eventually she liked it so she keeps it cut short. It looks good on her.

"Yes sir," I reply to Chase.

We were each supposed to make our own costumes. We used the same materials though. It was also an extra credit project in our Home Ecs. class. We could really use the bonus points. I don't want to graduate with any D's.


"ALI! COME DOWN AND SAY HELLO TO YOUR AUNT AND UNCLE!" Mom yells from the downstairs.

Aunt Iris and Uncle David are already here?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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