The Day Old Ties Die

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Chapter 1: Who Started It All

It was a cold windless night, in the year, 1932. Alfred Williams, my late brother was wearing a charcoal colour cashmere blazer and baby blue boot cut jeans. His blazer was stained, with greasy, smelly oil, from the old rusted oil tanks, that line the streets of Brick, New Jersey. This gives the town a queer look and a atrocious smell. His pants were torn at the knees and patched up, rather untidily. As if he had tried to patch them himself. His face was ungroomed, but rather becoming with his attire. He had a strange beard and an untrimmed mustache that sat right under his stubby nose. His hair was grey and greasy with cobble stone dust all throughout it. On top of his disgusting hair sat a dirty black bowler hat. This hat was originally grey with a white band around it, that held a golden brown, white tipped bald eagle feather. This feather was the only thing on him that was not covered in soot. His house had the same appearance. The kitchen had dishes scattered all over the floor. This was normal for Alfred, for he was not married and had no one to help him clean up.

He was a paranoid man, he always thought someone was out there to kill him. Then one day his paranoia was proven to be true. That day he saw a masked man snapping photos of our grand carriage. My brother yelled in hast shuddering as he spoke,

"Bring the horses up to a canter sir, we need to escape him. I can not get caught, not yet, not ever. The plan has not been completed".

The horses did not just canter, no they galloped away. Almost tossing my brother out of the carriage, as it rounded a corner it jolted out to the left and into traffic to avoid a barrel of oil. Even though the carriage missed it, it still fell over and rupshered on impact. Causing more than one carriage accident that day. As He rode away, he could hear wailing cries from horse and the screams of dying. Right to his death sentence.

Chapter 2 : The Death Sentence

That day, when my brother got home, he found a note lying on his bed. His window was open and in the swaying bows of his cherry trees laid a hidden automattic camera. This camera was there to capture pictures of his reaction when he read the note. He leaned over to grab the note. His hand started to tremble and his fingers began to twitch. As he held the note in his left hand, he started to move toward his desk. His desk was in the next room, in haste he began to speed. Nervous that if he did not get there in time all hope would be lost.

He finally sat down at his desk and reached across the mahogany wood to grab his gold plated letter opener. His hands were trembling so much that as he started to cut the envelope open, it slipped out of his grasp and on to the grey carpet. It was so dark out that night that even by lantern light he was not able to find his letter opener. He search around on his hands and knees for a good half hour, soon after he admitted defeat and went to open the letter by hand. Once he had open it he began to read it when as follows :

Dear my old friend, Alfred Williams

As you may have noticed, I have people all over the city watching you. You can not proceed with your plan. If you continue to move in to the next stage of your plan, I will have no choice but to have you killed. If you ever hear the sentence " let there be life and let there be death" in a plaza run for your life.

Sincerely: Your Worst Nightmare

Chapter 3: Run Boy Run

He was in shock, scared for his life he fled town. As he ran everything was a blur. Street lights were rushing past him, people on the road stopped and stared. They yell dreadful words at Alfred like Idiot, retard, and pee brain. But, this did not matter to Alfred the only thing that matter, was escaping this dreadful city and his death sentence.

As he ran he said to himself over and over, again and again,

"I am doing the right thing, I am doing the right thing."

He ran to Toms River and then continued onto Bayville. He never stopped in a town, for more than a night. Aventule, Alfred was known as the Wanderer. He traveled from Brick, New Jersey all the way to Lower Township. after that a shrine was made in every city he stopped in.These shrines were amazing, some of them had statuses or a flag with his face on it. my family and I all had to travel from town to town wishing that they would see Alfred in the crowd. The shrines were said to represent the courage he showed in his travels, the hope he had and his wisdom and knowledge. After these shrines ceremonies were finished he vanished, never to be seen or heard from again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2013 ⏰

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