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Blair's P.O.V

My name is Blaire Nerice, and I am a vampire. Wait hold the fûck up. This is definitely not an AA meeting. I work for the NVPC, that stands for National Vampire Protection Corp. The NVPC is an organization that protects all supernatural creatures anywhere, these supernaturals consist of the major 5, which are:

Werewolves, the largest supernatural group, but also the most clueless, stupid and aggressive, with their mates and moon goddess and parties, they are extremely dumb and naive. I guess being half dog doesn't come with any mental abilities.

Witches, some could argue that they are the strongest, HA! Don't make me laugh. That's a load of bullshit. I mean. Yes they are powerful, but only a select few actually know how to use their powers and most of them are healers anyway. What the fúck can a healer do to attack me? Throw a broom at me? They're pretty useless when you think about it.

Fairies, the most sparkly of all 5, they don't offer much but fairy dust, and that shìt is pretty fūcken useless. The only cool part about them is their wings and even those aren't that useful, in mean yeah sure you can hover but those things are just a waste of space is you ask me, basically the one word you can use to describe them is simple: HIPPIES.

Ghosts, now these are very rare, and hard as fück to find, don't get me started on killing those little bitćhes because lemme tell you, no ghost busters are gonna help you against an angry ghost. Not much is known about them, all we know about them as a species is they are definitely NOT a community considering they hate anything that disturbs them, even their own species.

And last but not least, VAMPIRES!!!!!!!!
Sorry but it's true what you hear, we are the strongest species. We have advanced strength, sight, hearing, taste, touch, speed and a select few of us have special abilities, I'm proud to say I'm in that select few. And NO! We are not gothic, we do not sparkle, sunlight doesn't turn me into the after effects of cremation. The only this that those brainless humans got right is that we drink blood. And don't even try to be all: 'ewww that's gross' SHUT THE FÜCK UP!

Blood is Bae.

You see, us vampire are very secretive and mysterious. Which is why no one knows of us. No, not the Werewolves, The Fae, The Ghosts. No one. The only select few who know are humans that vampires have claimed or some witches that we seek advisory from, considering those little bitches can see into the future...

Anyway back to my story, I work for the NVPC. We protect all 5 supernatural beings from things like war within each other's species, except for ghosts 'cause there is NO WAY! I am going any where near those transparent whóres. We also stop them from being discovered by humans, for obvious reasons.

So when the Queen A.K.A our leader, passed away. Power hungry people tried to claim the throne. One in specific: Katarina D'hortensia, one of our Queens children, she believed that as the 'higher' species we should eradicate all that oppose our existence, this aimed at one specific species, wanna guess? It's...

Werewolves. Duh. What did you think it was? The transparent whores?

She believed that all werewolves should die. Now this may sound all Hitler and Nazi Germany and stuff, but hey she was around at that time, so no one can blame her for having the idea.

She was gaining a lot of influence and almost gained the crown two months ago. All was good for her, until her older sister Ophelia D'hortensia reveled herself as the true heir.

Now this is where everything went from moderately good. To batt śhit crazy. People had to pick sides, everyone was fighting, it was a mess.

I picked Ophelia's side personally. I do not believe in Genocide. I'd much rather sleep that have to kill an entire supernatural race that is more than five times larger than our race, I mean yes we would have a surprise but we would be out numbered and it would be a god damn blood bath, and after WWII I'm kind of over war.

After I picked Ophelia's side she created a task force to protect all the werewolves. There would be small groups of vampires sent to each pack in the world and they would be tasked to protect them for as long as Katarina was still cray cray.

So I was placed with my team, who I worked with for my whole immortal life to protect supernaturals, and from there we were sent to a little town in America called Loup Falls to protect the Sterling Pack, the largest pack in the world.

And that is how I ended up living in an old mansion in the middle of the woods.


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