The Haunted Room

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“Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!” I felt a ice cold hand grab my shoulder I got up quickly to see my older sister grabbing my shoulder laughing her head off.

“Why do you always scare me like that” I shouted

“Because it's so fun and easy, you are way too easy to scare” Tina said still laughing. she got up and went downstairs continuing to laugh. My sister has long blonde hair she is 16, as tall as my mom, where’s name brand clothes, and has blue eyes her name is Tina. I went back to watching my show when she left the room, Oh I never introduced myself my name is Zackary I'm short, wear glasses, have brown hair, and have green eyes. After my show was done I went off to bed.


The next morning I ate some cereal and started walking to school, I saw my sister walking with some friends she seems happy I thought. When I walked into the classroom it was time to read the newspaper so I grabbed a paper and started reading. All the sudden a article in the history section caught my eye it was titled Boy Dies In House. I started reading it immediately. Apparently a 10 year old boy had died in a house when he was home alone, but nothing was destroyed or broken in the house there were no clues on how the boy l died. When I finished reading the article I looked at the picture of the house above the article and was shocked. The house in the picture was my house which means a 10 year old boy died in my house, I was so shocked that I jumped out of my seat

“this can't be possible how can this be” I yelled as the rest of the class starred at me surprised of my sudden outcome. The rest of the day was normal, I went home and showed my parents the article and they were shocked too even my sister looked scared.

“We weren't told about anything like that when we bought the house” my parents spoke surprised. So we all went to bed at 11:30pm but I couldn't sleep. I decided to get a snack before I go back to sleep.


The next morning was different Tina woke me up by putting a spider on my bed, guess how much I liked that, as much as I like cabbage and I hate cabbage. Then a big smirk formed on my face as I thought of a plan to get her back. I will sneak some peanut butter on her favourite food and make her drink apple juice I thought in my head. Tina really hates peanut butter and apple juice it just makes her think of being sick right after a sip so it would be a great revenge.


After school I got ready to get my revenge I had already sneaked peanut butter in her Kraft dinner and was pouring apple juice in her cup. I immediately sat down and started eating when Tina walked in the room. Tina jabbed her fork into five pieces of Kraft dinner and put it in her mouth I waited for something to happen, she chewed but nothing happened. I was shocked how nothing was happening until she jabbed her fork into six more pieces and put it in her mouth. Tina started chewing and had a strange look on her face, then she took a sip of the juice and I smiled as she ran straight into the bathroom. I tried holding in the laughs but I couldn't I started laughing and couldn’t stop. My parents had been looking at me angrily when I had stopped laughing, no one spoke they just looked at me. “Zackary you're grounded” my mom had broken the silence “Yes yes you are” my dad agreed frustrated. My punishment was that I had to go to bed early that night. At midnight everyone was asleep except me so I got up and went downstairs to say I was sorry to my sister. When I got downstairs I heard a noise like something moving around in my sisters room. I thought maybe she was moving around in her bed so I opened the door and looked in, but when I looked in Tina was just fast asleep not moving but alive. I waited in her doorway for a couple seconds to see if she would move but she never moved. Suddenly when I was looking at her I heard the noise again but Tina didn’t move. I was so freaked out that I ran upstairs into my room and went to bed frightened thinking of what the noise could've been.

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