you know it was not easy being rich that's why Jones all ways wanted to run away but as years and months went by he was still living in his mansion with the hundreds of thousands of toys he had in his room but Jones did not want to be be rich or to have lots of toys and he hated the privet school his parents put him in. one day Jones asked his mum what it was like for the poor people his mum never replied so that night Jones went to his room and started drawing out plans of how he was going to ran away it took him weeks even months to find the perfect idea but even that was not perfect so he went back to the drawing board. he could not find the perfect plan for years he was only 13 went he gave up the search but then one after noon he was board so he went to look around his room but then he found the board that he had hidden so many months he started working again for weeks he researched but then a couple of days later as his mum called him down to diner he found the perfect idea to run away.he had the perfect plan so that night jones ran away