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Nolan's PoV

Almost instantly, her eyes flashed from surprise to slight anger, "You knew?"

I avoided her gaze, "A day after I first met your mother, I thought it was rude of me to have not brought anything for her. So I visited again, bringing a bouquet of flowers as a sign of respect. When I knocked on the door, Baba was the one who opened it."

I didn't need to explain further for her to understand.

"They were waiting for the right moment to tell you...." I tried to add, but it didn't help at all.

I checked her recent studies, she had been pretty stressed out. Originally, asking her out today was just for relaxation, but now matters have turned more serious.

She let out a small sigh, then leaned back into the sofa, "Yeah, it wasn't your place to say. I'm not gonna think about this right now."

"Exactly! Don't sweat the small stuff." With a cheering smile, Asher hooked his arm around her shoulders. His other hand swiftly handing her a glass of low alcoholic degree cocktail.

I don't think finding out who your biological father is after seventeen years is a 'small stuff.'

I slapped Asher's arm off of Miki, who didn't seem to even notice his arm there.

She balanced the glass around in her hand and tilted her head slightly—a move I find extremely attractive—as if she's unfamiliar with it.

"First time drinking?" She nodded to my question.

If getting a bit tipsy can make her relax a bit, it shouldn't be a bad thing, right?

I leaned down to her ear and whispered, "If you have trouble, I can feed it to you... mouth-to-mouth."

As I thought, a faint tint of blush colored her cheeks before she lifted up the glass to her lips. I watched as she chugged the liquid down her throat.

"Bleh." She stuck out her tongue soon as she downed the glass, "it tastes like cherry medicine."

"Try the other flavors." Rarely, Hanazawa chipped in and gestures to the other liquor on the table.

I was going to say something until I saw her reach out to the nearest blue one.

...After that was a green one.

Then a purple one.

Then two pink ones.

Pretty soon she was moving to whiskey and beer.

For once in his life Hanazawa didn't have a book with him, he watched her down the alcohol with slightly impressed eyes.

"And that's the fourth." Asher says when we see the bottom of another bottle. "You sure this is your first time drinking?" He says rather awkwardly as he took the cap opener away from her, a gesture to try to stop her from drinking.

"It's so damn bitter, but relaxing at the same time." Her speed of speech slowed down. I don't know what's on her alcohol-messed-up mind right now. I stopped her arm when she tried to reach for another glass.

"Alright. I get that you're frustrated, but this isn't helping anymore."

I nearly gave in when she looked up to me with clouded eyes. The drinks must've kicked in when her eyes started getting glassy.

Probably because her mind is hazy, she leaned my way and rested her forehead against the side of my arm. Her own hand making its way through mine.

She's acting clingy... and cute. How is this resistible?

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