Chapter 1

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"Ladies' first!" was all I remembered from my nightmare, the night before the reaping. It chilled me to the bone. All I thought about was my mother, my best friend, Josh and his little sister, Mae.

The 82nd Hunger Games reaping's were about to take place. I, Kennedy Wilson, was terrified about the fact of going into the Hunger Games. 

Being from District 12 and not learning out district's trade until we were 18, doesn't help.

Eight years ago, district 12 tributes, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, won the 74th and 75th Hunger Games. This caused all 13 districts to rebel against the Capitol.

 Even though President Snow was killed, the Capitol's most powerful, still found a way to control the nation of Panem after a second rebellion.

The year after the war ended, the Capitol held the worst Hunger Games of all, using 12 children from District 12 and 12 children from District 13. Everyone refused to kill, so the Head Game Maker, Aniti Crane, had to get mutts into the arena to kill them all. There was no Victor.

Walking towards the square, scared me, because, I knew that if I got reaped, I wouldn't stand a chance. I do hope though that maybe if I get reaped my practice with knives could get me out of the bloodbath.

 Still, the odds aren't and never will be, in my favour. My name is in the reaping ball 29 times, and Josh's name is in 42 times.

District 12's new escort, Frangipani Goldtreat, nearly an exact replica of Effie Trinket, walks out onto the stage from the Justice Building. She talks about the first rebellion, 82 years ago, and the second rebellion, which was 7 years ago. 

I know that it was horrible. Even though I was only 9, I could still understand what was going on. I remember living in District 13, it was nice. The citizens of 13 were very welcoming.

 Frangipani then eyes the glass reaping balls, then says the line "Ladies First!" I pray as she swirls her nails through the paper that my name isn't the one on the piece of paper that she chooses. She takes her time, but after she's fully satisfied with her choice, she pulls the slip of paper to freedom. She calls out a name that I know, and very well too. It's Mae Hobart.

Hey everyone! This is my first fan fiction, so I hope you enjoy it! Please vote and comment so I can keep the story going! I will try and update every day! Xx

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