My Quite Usual Life?

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Hi I'm Annabelle Suarez and this is not a happy ever after story, nor a romance, not even a tragedy, just ironic unfortunate events . So why is my story unique or special it isn't but it is quite interesting in my perspective so if you've read this far trust me keep going . Lets start from the middle 8 years old innocent and young no corruption not yet. My family and I had decided to visit some family up in Mexico I was ready, exited, and pumped it was Easter weekend yea buddy. I had made my first ever Easter eggs but no one told me they, don't celebrate Easter in Mexico . Disappointment wouldn't have been so bad if there was nice weather at least the weather was humid and burning! I sighed long day ,boring it was 10pm or so and decided to sleep looked for my parents no one home. I was left alone in a creepy old house I finally found someone they were dead asleep the tv was left on but the channel was grey and glitching. Spooked I thought frantically run but where then as soon as I looked up I saw a young girl looked from the mid 18th century. She had a glow to her and rugged black hair she seemed nice but I noticed she held a small dagger in her hand I began to quiver. She said "come here let's go in my room." I began to freak out and ran outside to a near bench I sat there crying until the guy asleep awoke and said don't worry come back I fought like crazy from his attempt to pull me back inside. Then a truck pulled in with family and familiar faces I yelled in glee and ran to my dad and mom half crying half whispering "don't leave me alone ever again." They didn't comprehend so they picked me up and said, "c'mon let's go to sleep." I pleaded no but they dragged me in there anyway. The rest of the trip was fun I guess. I never did tell my parents about the paranormal experience nor do I wish to tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2013 ⏰

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