Crazy Night

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(AN: I'm sick and I wrote this at like 2am so it's probably really OOC and dumb but hey whatever. Enjoy it m8.)

"Wait! If I could get everyone's attention for a moment." Adrien had announced from his seat, now standing up and walking up to face his classmates. The bell had just rung for everyone to go home, but the blonde had something to say. The boy was mostly nervous, but with all of his confidence, Adrien plastered on a giddy smile. "This Saturday starting at eight o'clock to midnight, I'm hosting a Halloween party at my place. You all are invited to come, but please, be in costume!" The male announced, the class immediately chirping up in response with excitement. From the looks of it, Adrien had succeeded. "Okay, I'll see you guys there! Bye." He then gathered his things and left, the class following close behind to head home.
"So, am I coming over or are you?" Alya nudged her best friend, both having goofy smiles on their faces.

Alya and Marinette situated themselves upstairs in her room, tossing their backpacks aside and flipping out fresh pages of her sketchbook. With a quick sip of water, Marinette pulled out her pencil and looked over at Alya.
"What do you wanna be for Halloween? Other then Ladybug, of course." The female knew how her best friend was so engrossed in the masked heroine. As much as Alya wanted to deny it, the duo knew that little children would dress up as the super heroes. In the end, it wasn't so much of an original idea (especially in Marientte's case). The other female thought for a moment, crossing her arms as she leaned back against her chair. Marinette began wondering about it herself, her brain thinking of only the typical things, despite wanting to be a designer.
Just then, Alya leaned forwards and slammed her fist onto the desk, causing the other to flinch in surprise. "I got it! We can be witches, both of us! Can you imagine how cool that would be?" She announced ever so joyfully, giving her best friend a goofy smile, in which she returned. "Yeah, that'd be fun! The main design of the costumes would be similar, but different color schemes and accessories would be perfect! Ah, Alya!" Marinette squealed, hugging the other in excitement. Matching costumes!
"Because it's a Friday, I can stay over, right? We have an entire night of planning to do, my dear." Alya chirped up. "Knowing you, didn't you already ask your parents?" Marinette replied with a smile, knowing she obviously did. "But of course! They already called your parents, too, so let's get this party going!"

Marinette had plenty of work to do on the costumes, plus homework, and becoming Ladybug to scout. The week was in no way kind, but after thinking about the results, she decided it was worth it.

< Marinette POV >

My god.
I had to admit, I was beat. Surviving the flood of homework from school while stitching and working on the costumes weren't easy. Heck, I almost fell asleep during most of the day, but finally, it was over. I put basically half of my soul into these outfits, and needless to say, I'm super proud of them. They're probably one of my best works yet! Now if only Adrien noticed me at the party in this...

"Uh, Marinette?" A voice I did not want to hear had interrupted my thinking. Turning around, I noticed Chloe and Sabrina standing side my side in front of a barber shop. From the looks of it, Chloe had her hair done, in which I could care less about.
"What do you want now, Chloe?" I replied in a dull tone, setting down the two large bags I had been carrying. These held the costumes I made for Alya and I. "I don't really have the time right now, I have to get somewhere." I stated. "And? Whatever. I hope you don't plan on going to Adrien's party tomorrow night. After all, I want him noticing me and my fabulous costume, and not yours." The blonde girl stated in a rude voice, crossing her arms. Sabrina only snickered beside her, placing a hand on her hip. Could this encounter get any more boring? "There's no harm in me coming, Adrien said that everyone is invited." I shrugged it off. I wasn't really looking to pick a fight with her, especially since I have the costumes all done. "Sabrina, grab one of those bags." Chloe commanded. Who new the ginger-haired girl was so quick on her feet?! I didn't even have time to grab them before she took the pink bag.
What's worse is that it was my costume in there.

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