Sissy's Song ; Alan Jackson pt:1

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Sissy's song belongs to Alan Jackson RENT belongs to Johnathan Larson The warblers belong to Ryan Murphy The wizard of Oz belongs to L. Bruam Frank the rest belong to me

"Hello is this the Harwood residents"
"Yes it is and you are"
"Jerrod Camden Mimi Harwood's Neighbor and I heard arguing next door the all of a sudden it got quite after she scream then I can over to see her on the floor in a pool of blood and then a person exiting the window I hate to say this but I checked her plus and there wasn't one"
Jerrod heard Thad's broken sob.

Nevaeh Hardwood heard her son's hysteria and came rushing down stairs and sees him clutching the phone sobbing
"Hello sir are you still there"
"Yes sir this is his mother why did you call here."

I have some terrible news ma'am" Jerrod sighs "Ma'am I regret to inform you I found Mimi Dead tonight."
"It was Derek wasn't it sir"
"Ma'am I don't think know who Derek is ."
"Her boyfriend sir he always had bad aura"
"I understand I don't care for Derek Ybarra (you-barah) Either ma'am"

"That asshole" Thad Shouts
Thad calls Trent his voice showing he has been crying "hey babe" Trent answers the phone "Trent babe please come over to my house please I need to tell you something that I refuse to say on the phone I won't get it out please come to the house" "okay I'll be over as soon as possible."
**Trent is at the Harwood's home**
"Hey Nevaeh is Thad home" Trent asks
"Yeah in his room honey be careful we had a death in the family baby Mimi just was found dead honey he needs you and the warblers to be there so he doesn't do anything too drastic please call them over here when you get up to his room" Nevaeh replied with tears at the corners of her eyes "I'll text all of them and we'll be here."
Trent : Warblers group text
We are going to thad's he wants us there get your butts there
Why : Seb
He wants us there
Omw : K,&B
Well be there :H&S,&W
**Hardwood residents when the warblers get there**
Ding dong
"I'll be there in a minute." Nevaeh shouts
"Hey y'all he's in his room he needs you all with him we just found out Mimi Died Because of her D-bag boyfriend I will kill him when I see Derek Ybarra." "We were called to see him by Trent ma'am." Says sebastian "well he's in his room."
"How you doing bud" asks Blaine "Dreadful"Thad sighs "how's about we watch what ever you want." Trent suggests to his boyfriend "RENT because it was her favorite musical then the wizard of OZ because it was her favorite movie."Thad says "Netflix or movie movie"Kurt asks "Netflix" Thad says "She loved seasons of love , will I , life support and with out you from RENT and Somewhere over the rainbow from The Wizard Of OZ." Sighs Thad sobbing "If you wanted us to The warblers could sing one or more at the funeral and if Nevaeh says we can." Hunter suggests "could you ask I can't just take this" Thad says "I'll ask" Sebastian says with a sad look in his eyes "Thank you so much bazzy you're the best" Thad says with a thankful look in his eyes "I'll ask now If you want me to." Seb says smiling sadly knowing all too well what Thad is going through

*Down stairs*
"Hey Nevaeh could I ask you something." Sebastian asks her "Yeah sweetie anything." Nevaeh says to Seb with her usual smile no matter what is going on she stays strong she's always been the strong one after Mimi. Mimi was the one who always helped her and Thad when Harrison was abusing them. "We wanted to know if we could sing at the funeral and tell you all if you both need any one to talk to me and my mom are here for you both. She understands she lost her mom and sister at age 18." Seb says looking at Nevaeh
"She said we could proform them." Seb sags eyes cast downward "
"What's wrong seb." Blaine asks "nothing." He tells Blaine Ling through his teeth which hunter can tell but doesn't say anything just yet

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