Part 1

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Easy to destroy

Did you ever wonder how easy it is to destroy something? But you know how hard it is to make it? Well I do because this morning I was putting away my clothes when I felt something sticky on the bottom of my foot. I looked down and it was my backs house that I made in fifth grade I'm going to seventh right now and it still means a lot to me. It took me seconds to destroy half of it but it took me 15 minutes to rebuild all of meant a lot to me I mean who wouldn't be sad when their precious artifact they made in fifth grade was destroyed by one step in the miss placed foot? This is sort of like civilizations, I mean take the Great Wall it took them hundreds of years to build yet it was so easy to destroy by the Huns. So many paintings have been destroyed by fires. It might've took 10 minutes for the fire to get the whole tire house or museum when the painting took several days, weeks, or months to make, in the house probably took almost a year to make. People destroy houses villages countries cities and it only takes a year something like that and her entire town see you whatever took years, centuries, or even decades to make. And it's sentimental to the people that's what you have to think before any war breaks out because you never know the story behind people they might be rich they might be poor but home is home.

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