Who am i ?

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Rosie's POV

it is 5 minutes before lunch break and I am counting the minutes.This Maths class was absolute horrible .not only does the work load sucks , the teacher sucks as well. Ms Linden .

I stared at the clock that was hanging I front of the classroom.

Suddenly I heard a familiar laugh.i turned to look who it was and it was him.

Zayn Malik.

I have admired him for a while now but he doesn't know that.We talk a lot but he only classifies is as friends.

I am known by almost the whole school and honestly most of them hate my guts but I don't care .

I saw him smile and I just got shy and turned back to stare at the clock.

All I want is for him to notice me.

To notice what I'm feeling and that i like him.

The problem is that he is very shy and awkward.

I know that I won't get far with him but only if I could get one kiss from him and that would just perfect.

I just feel heartbroken that here I am ,waiting for someone who thinks of me as his friend.I can't tell my friends either because they would go and try to set us up and I don't want to force a relationship .

And I think he likes someone else , Layla.

"Rosie  , give the answer to number 1"Ms linden said ,snapping me out of my daydream .

I was lost.i didn't know what was going on .i stared at the board for a few seconds and suddenly I heard the bell ring.

I was saved by the bell.

I packed my things and walked out of class.

I met my best friend ,Lacey outside because our lockers are right next to each other.we walked to our lockers and I am completely silent.

I'm usually not this silent .im always shouting and screaming but something just got me so bad that I can't even utter a word.

"Why you so quiet?"Lacey asked me and I shook my head throwing her a smile.

We got to our lockers and packed our books for the next 3 periods.

Suddenly I hear zayns voice.he came walking with his friends down the hall towards Lacey and I.

I began to panicked but I didn't want to show that I was scared and nervous.

He stopped right I front of me and gave him a warm smile.

"Hey"I said and then continued to pack my books.

"Hey , uhm is there a fire drill later this afternoon ?"he asked me and I just felt my heart beating really fast.

I felt like it was going to jump out of my chest the way he just looked at me and asked one simple question.

"No,tomorrow "I said and he nodded and instantly walked away without thanking me.

I know I should of told him to say thank you but I didn't want to cause much trouble since he was with his friends.Niall,Harry,Louis and Liam .

"What was that all about?"Lacey asked me and I shook my head.

"He asked a stupid question "I said and she didn't answer.

I finished round about the same time Lacey finished.we met up with our whole 'squad'

To  people we would be 'squad goals'

In our squad would be :

Me(Rosie Ross)
Lacey Lyon who is dating
Justin Bieber
Anna Jacobs who is dating
Culumn hood
Dani tucker
Chloe Miller
Sophie Star

I love these guys ( accept the boyfriends ,that would be awkward) and they make me happy but I can't tell them what I really feel about Zayn.im scared they are going to reject him or think I'm not right for him.

We met up by our 'spot' which we be the soccer field.

We would sit and just have a laugh.well they would be laughing at me but this break I was quiet and just staring at the sky.

"Rosie ,what's wrong?"Justin asked me.

Justin and I are quit close .only because I need to know what his doing if he is going out with my best friend.

I shook my head because I didn't have the energy to say anything.

"This is unusual,you are not talking"he said and I shook my head.

"Not in the mood"I managed to say and he looked at me in surprise.

"Not in the mood? Are you Rosie Ross ?"he asked me trying to make a joke but it failed because none of us laughed.

Honestly I don't even know who I am because I feel down and unhappy with myself.

I feel like I'm not treated the way I want to be treated.im always the one they get to just make jokes at .i pretend that I'm fine with it but in not honestly.they are my friends and they shouldn't try to bring my spirits down but yet they do.i just leave them because I don't want to start drama when I confront them.

I stared at Justin giving him a signal that I think he should go to Lacey.

He then jumped up and I continued staring at the sky.

"Hey what's wrong"Dani then asked and I just mouthed nothing.she nodded and went back to eating her Apple.

Dani is really healthy and always eats apples.Sometimes she would bring two and give me one of which is really sweet .

"What's up with you"Chloe than asked and honestly it began to get annoying.

"She's probably on her periods"Culum said and then I got pissed of.

"You know what , go fuck your self "I said and stormed to the bathroom.

Lacey's POV

"Woah"Culum said after he said that she was on her period.i found it rude that she would do that because all we wanted to know was what was wrong with her.

"What an attention seeker"he then commented afterwards and I just got a bit mad.

"Maybe she was having a bad day and she didn't want to talk but please don't say that about her because she would never say that about you "I said and then went to sit down next to Justin.

"Fine"Culum said .

Anna wouldn't really do anything because she would back Culum up which is kind of annoying as well.Sometimes she needs to understand that her friends are always going to be there and boyfriends come and go.

Rosie's POV

I rushed to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror.There was no one else in the bathroom besides me.

I just stared at myself and thought that maybe if I got thinner people would like me and by people I mean Zayn.

If I got bigger boobs or a bigger ass will my friends accept me then ?

I just don't like my appearance nor my personality .

I hate myself .

A /N

Hey there :)

This is my 3rd book on wattpad .

Other 2


Invincible love

They all Zayn Malik fan fic

Sorry about the mistake :)

Please vote and comment what you think about the characters.

Thanks .

Mieschka xxx

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