still alone

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Xavier's wolf up top or to the side or what ever

~~Xavier's P.O.V~~

It's a Tuesday morning and i still have not found my mate i wish i could find her for all i know she cold be dead and i wold never have meet her I am starting to get paranoid about the possibility that I no longer have a mate and my dad has become my personal punching bag but he never complains cause to him it is father son time not that I mined that he thinks that because him being alpha and all I don't see him much and with this he has which he can only tell me once i find my mate
"Xavier the alpha wants to speck with you" Dylan called out
See Dylan is one of my many friends that has found there mate and see that can make me and him fight a lot
"For fucks sack this is getting ridiculous alright i will be there in a bit" I yelled back and if you haven't gessed my name is Xavier
"yes dad" I said
"Are Xav nice you to join" my dad started to say but was interupted by the gorges blond that was sitting on the chair in front of dads desk but now she is taking me to my room for some unknown reason we get in to my room
"Um a-are whats g-going on" I startted
"OMG my mate is better looking then i thought" blondy said
"I sorry but wait whats that smell it smells like mint and chocolate" i said and the i smash my lips on to hers and she dose not hesitate to respond by riping my short of literly
"Well that was different i thought i wold never find my mate and let alone not know her name befor we mate" I said the next morning at brackfast at my favrete dinner which is also her favret to
"Oh I'm so sorry my names jakie" she replied
"beutifull name for a beutifull woman" I responded she turned I think she tuned red as the table cloth which is a really really dark red
"You think so" she asked
"yes and did some tell you other wise cause if they did then I will make shore that they pay for saying such hurtful lies" I said as calmly as possible and she just laughs at me which calms me down to an extent

-----------------------time jump 16 years------------------------

~~Xavier's P.O.V~~

I was sitting in my office reading over some of the pack paper work for the pack when I heard a knock on my office door

"enter" I called

"dad can I talk to you please" my son Evan asked

"yes of course son, what's up?" I asked noticing that he looks really nerves and about to cry so got up out of my chair walked around my desk pulled him in to a hug at which point he started to cry

"hey hey hey calm down Evan I cant help when you are like this" I said trying to calm him down and after a few minuets he calmed down

"i found my mate" he said but I knew there was more to the story

"and" I asked in hopes he would continue

~~Evan's P.O.V~~

he is going to hate me I know it

"and" he asked getting me to continue

"my mate is a male" I mumbled the last word hoping he didn't hear me

"your mates a male?" he asked I just simply nod my head an waited for the yelling to start but my father did something I didn't expect and pulled me in for a hug

"that's great news son I will add mite it is going to be strange seeing to males run a pack but I'm glad you have found your mate when can I met him?" he asked

"soon I just have to tell mom" I said hopefully she is just as accepting as dad is

"ok well you go do that so I can met the boy that is to be my son in law" dad responded taking his spot behind the desk

"ok" I replied and walked out of dads office and walked down to mums and knocked on the door

"enter" she said

"hey mom" I said

"oh hello Evan what brings you to my office?" she asked

"I found my mate" I said

"oh that's wonderful when am going to meet her?" she asked if only her was actually him

"yeah about that" I replied scratching the back of my neck

"mmmhhmm" she said

"well you see my mate is well male" I said

"WHAT" she screamed

"my-" I started to say

"i heard you the first time honey" mom said

"oh ok" I replied

"yeah and have you told your father?" she asked

"yes" I replied thinking back to when I told dad five minuets ago

"howed he take" she asked

"well he wants to meet my mate but the thing is you and dad already know him" I said thinking of my mate the omega that is 21

"oh who is it" she asked

"james" was all I said

"oh the omega that helps you train?" mom asked

"yeah" was all I could say and all I really know is that he is more dominant than I am

"well you better tell your father who he is before or he he finds out from-" mom was saying

"James congratulations on finding your mate and welcome to the family" he was yelling whilst running down the hall

"he was right out side the door wasn't he mom" I asked

"yeah he was actually he was standing in the door way the whole time I think he was just watching my reaction to you telling me your mate was a man and not a woman" she said

"oh ok" I said

"EVAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" James yelled

"YES!!!!!!!!" I responded as I was walking out of the door to my moms office

"where are you?" he asked

"walk out of my moms office" I answered

"you told your parents" He stated

"yes" I said

"they accept me as your mate" he said

"yep" I said and walk to my room

"where are you going?" James asked

"my room" I said and over my shoulder

"may I join you" he asked

"mmm no" I answered and nearly cried

"fine" James said with hurt and anger in his voice and was about to storm off when he heard my whimper

"Evan are you ok" he asked with worry lacing his voice now and I just cried then he pulled me into his embrace and let me cry on his shoulder

"Evan what's wrong" he asked

"please don't leave me" I whimpered

"I would never dream of it, what brought this on" he asked

"nothing" I said but it wasn't really it all has do with when dad mum split up

"are you sure?" he asked another question

"yeah I am sure" I answered I really hated that I lied to him but I'm just not ready to tell him

hello brave readers this is the first chapter of this book and its taken me nearly 3 years to write it and I will still be writing 'the alphas secret' and I am glad I have finally finished it I just wish I finished it when I had originally planed but lack of internet doesn't help as well as computer troubles but any way hope you enjoyed this chapter and there will be many more to come till I have finished writing this book

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