A Short Life Lived -True Story

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She was the twelve year-old I liked, but of course she was in the year above me. In my mere 11 years, I was officially smitten by the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. So, the next year, with my acquired invitation to an exclusive party that my twin brother was attending, I approached her for the first time. She was one of those girls you had to be careful with, and since she was the one and only girl I'd ever made a move at, I didn't know how not to be careful. She, on the other hand, did. She took my hand, smiling at her friends, and walked me out of the house. There was something maliciously beautiful about that night, and the way Allison looked. As she led me out, I memorized her beauty in the warm Summer evening. She was one of those girls I never want to forget in my life. And even now, I can still see her, vibrant and beautiful, leaning and kissing me slightly. I can remember that moment like it was yesterday.

While it was in fact two years and a bit ago. I’d thought I was on cloud nine then, having Allison in my hand. I hadn’t even realized how delicate the girl I held was. She had these glistening, big brown eyes and that sweet smile. She was perfect –almost too perfect. I actually couldn’t believe it. On that same night, she gave me my first kiss. I asked her why, but she put a finger on my lips muttering, “Just because.” And right then, right there, I’d fallen in love.

We hadn’t even gone on a proper date yet when she one day arrived at my house. I remember her face and how she was wearing her sleek, auburn hair back. I’d lost all speech, too embarrassed by my home. There was nothing official between us, just an odd spark that kept me thinking about her and kept her looking back at me. Me –the not so special sophomore and her, the sexy junior. There was something that drew her to me that day, and we kissed again, sealing a deal I didn’t know about then.

Three months later, she was pregnant. I couldn’t believe my ears because there was something like pride swelling up in me. Nothing could have ruined that moment, when Allison arrived, told me the news and kissed me softly. There was nothing awkward about that moment. She was just pregnant.

Five months later, she’s in hospital, in pain. I kissed her awkwardly, aware of her parents watching me. But I couldn’t care less –Allison, my dream, my love, was in pain of a bed, crying and crushing my hand. I couldn’t help it. I cried too, not knowing what I was doing.

Right now, Cody’s two years old. He’s a bouncy baby with Allison’s big brown eyes and her burnt hair. He has Allison’s smile, which makes me feel bad. On that first night, I sealed the deal with the devil, ensuring her death. In my room, I’d whispered a curse in her ear. While Cody was born, I saw her slip away, delicate and beautiful. Every time I look at Cody, I’m happy that I got to meet Allison.

True Story.



Dedicated to Ryan, Allison and Cody.

I’m not lying. This actually happened. I met Ryan a couple of day ago and he's from the US. He still lives with his parents and he still goes to school, but he along with his twin brother John, work hard everyday after school to earn money to support Cody. Cody's two years old. Ryan's fifteen. Allison died at thirteen, saving Cody's life.

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