How to collect seashells and hate the beach

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First day of classes and here I am at the top of some water tower.

Just great.

Sure this thing is not some trend that our generation do for fun. But neither did I think this is fun.

Seriously, I don't get myself stuck at some water tower for fun. Especially not with Elliot Saunders, the king of stuffed animals.

8:00 am - Rivers' Residence.

"Portiaa! You better get your butt down here or else"

And of course, the usual things our parents tend to tell us just to get us out of bed.

But you see, I'm actually ready to go. The thing is grinding up my mom's gears is my substitute for fun.

Okay, maybe that was not a good thing to say.

"Portia if you find this funny then laugh all you want. I have to go. My client is waiting and she's not to be messed with. So honey, take care and try to be home early today, okay?"

Leaving in a rush, I wasn't able to answer my mom, but she knows I took note of every single thing she said.

You see, for me life is tricky. So you have to be able to master the basic things people will want from you.

Being kind is one.

Thankfully, mom raised me as someone with morals and values. I don't mean that everyone else is raised as some stuck up brat, there are just parenting tactics that seems to be favored by most people.

Just like all the other traits I decided is favored by the many.

Leaving the house and going to school was quick and uneventful. Actually, my life is.

No drama, no complications and no spontaneous crazy experiences.

Not that I mind. I like it that way, peace and quiet.

"Hands up where I can see them"

I jerked and involuntarily raised my hands. Spoke too soon.

Here I was thinking my life remains constant and uneventful but the universe has other plans. I can hear my heart beating. Well, that's a given. Then I hear, laughter?

"Hahaha! Seriously Portia? I got you so good"


Should have known. But then again, I get jittery in the worst way possible.

"Very funny Lory. But here's the thing. You weren't scary, I'm just super extra jumpy today."

Lory rolled her eyes and walked along side me.

"Sure, blame it on your nerves. Anyway, you coming to that party?"

Here's something about Lory and I. We're nothing like those group of cool kids, because one, she's all I got. And two, we sidetrack to 'the responsible but fun duo' kind of category.

Nonetheless, we still get invites but I'm just not the kind of person who parties.

Which brings me to the second thing about someone many favors, 'the fun but not too crazy' vibe.

"Sorry Lor, kind of promised mom that going home early is at the top of my list of goals today."

"Portia, no need to use that excuse with me. I know you like the back of my hand. It's okay though. I knew you'd refuse."

Teasingly, I pinched Lory's cheeks and cooed in a sweet voice.

"Awwwh. You're the only one who gets me"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2015 ⏰

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