Chapter one

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Kala's P.O.V~~

"K.K.K.K.K.K!!",I woke up to Ginger on top of me poking my face."WAKE UP!!",she yelled in my ear.

"Ok.Ok!I'm up Brat",I said getting up and ruffling her hair and checking my phone '5:30 at least I woke up on time'  i thought.

I got up and took a shower.After,I changed into my 'fish,fish,fish' shirt and my black skinny jeans and blue converse.I slipped on my creeper jacket and grabbed my phone and headphones.I headed out to my car and waited for Ging.She came to the car and got in,I headed to her school.

 I pulled up to the curb,and stopped the car.I gave her a kiss goodbye,she got out the car,waved bye and walked into the school.I started the car and drove to the house.I pulled into the driveway.I got out and popped the trunk.I grabbed my skateboard from the trunk and closed.I locked the car and skated to school.

  Once I was there I walked into the school and headed to my locker.I grabbed my math stuff and threw the other stuff into the locker and slammed it shut.I turned around to see the group of six.I sighed and stood there waiting for them to speak.Finally one of them spoke up.

  "hey Bitch",Jerome said.I blew my face out of my hair and sighed.I Opened my arms."Come on get this over with",I said They started kicking me and punching me,I just stood there not flinching.About 15 minutes later they finished and walked away snickering.I grabbed my hand mirror and check myself,I had blood running from my nose and a bruise on my left cheek,I had a black eye and blood coming from my lips as well.I cleaned up the blood and walked to math.

~~Time skip to end of school~~

  I walked out of the school and skateboarded home,I put my skateboard in the backseat and drove to Ginger's school.I pulled up and picked her up

"K why is your face purple",She asked"Just fell don't worry Ginger",I responded

  I drove to our bakery,I opened it up and started working on the pastries.

"Ginger,do you wanna help me today?",I asked,she nodded happily."Ok you work at the cash register,Don't worry I'll be watching you right here",I said,I had a clear view to Ging.I heard the doorbell ring.

"Hi what Could I get you!",She asked happily"Um,a dozen of plain donuts",The voice responded"K,an order of Plain donuts for here",Ging Yelled at me "Ok Ging",I yelled back.

  I finished the donuts and packaged them.I walked outside the Baking area and I brought them out to the people."Who ordered the plain donuts Ging?",I asked,She pointed to a group of six people,you have to be kidding me,it was the pack."Whats wrong sis??",Ging Asked"Nothing I said putting on a fake smile.I walked over to the group and placed the Donuts on the table"Anything else I can get you",I asked pretending to not know who it was"Um yeah...",Preston started but stopped when he saw it was me"...A prettier waitress",I sighed"So sorry sir it's just me that works here",I said,I turned to ging"Ging do you mind going to start on the next order!",I yelled her."No problem K!!",She said happily.I turned back,"So what was that you need?",I asked,"Yeah some lemonade,6 cups.",I nodded and went behind the counter.I got the six lemonades and put them on a trey.I started bringing them out,but Mitch tripped me knocking the lemonade in the air.I dived and rolled and caught the lemonade on the trey.I passed out the drinks while they just stared at me.


Me and G went back home and I cooked dinner for her.I called her for dinner.She ate and did her homework.I went to my recording room and recorded for my youtube,I started my intro "Hey Guyssss CreeperK Here with another hunger GAMES!!"i started,I ran to the spawn chest and got a stick,iron ingot,stone sword,and iron boots.I Killed the dude next to me and ran.I killed six people and the death match started.I hit tab and figured out I was going against bajancanadian and Jerome."Ok here I go!!For The GAMES!!",I yelled,I killed Mitch and I was at five hearts,I decided to YOLO it,I ran towards Jerome and hit him twice,I then hit him with my bow three times,I hit him again and he exploded into a bunch of redstone.I typed 'GG' into the chat "Ok guys thats all for today I will sssee you all later,BIA",I said into the mic and pushed my hand to the camera.I edited it and posted it.

   I put Ging to bed and went to sleep.


So this is my first story so I hope you like it!! 

                                                                                  -Killer >3<

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