Future Reference (Sam and Jack)

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Title: Future Reference
Author: PurpleFairy84

Status: Complete

Series: Stargate SG1
Category: Romance
Pairings: Sam/Jack
Spoilers: 1969… kind of 
Season: 5
Rating: PG-13
Content Warnings: Some m/f sexual situations, nothing too graphic
Summary: SG1 accidentally gate into Earth’s future, Sam and Jack learn a thing or two about what’s in store for them. 
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters or shows, I just write my own original works for others to enjoy, without profit or any gain.


“Good luck SG1” General Hammond said to them as they walked up the ramp to the stargate. “And please… try to be diplomatic with them Colonel.”

Colonel O’Niell turned round and gave the General a mock hurt look, “What are you suggesting General?”

Carter smiled and pulled on the Colonel’s jacket to motion him forwards. “If we don’t leave soon we’re gonna be late for the conference Sir.” She reminded him gently.

“Goodbye General, and don’t worry about us!” He called as he stepped through the event horizon.

General Hammond shook his head with mirth, but these meetings with the people on P3X 725 were important if they were going to obtain any of their weapons technology. He hoped SG1 wouldn’t get into any trouble, but somehow they always managed to anyway.

They stepped through the stargate, and immediately realised that they were not where they were supposed to be.

“I thought you said this was a desert planet Carter?” Jack said in a somewhat sarcastic tone as he took his shades off. He looked at his 2IC and she looked back with an equally confused expression. “I don’t know Sir, the MALP showed extremely high temperatures and a landscape of sand dunes and very little plant life. I can’t explain why we’ve ended up here, but it definitely is not P3X 725.”

Jack sighed and looked to the other two members of his team. “Anyone have any suggestions?”

Daniel looked around their surroundings. It seemed that the stargate was in a big complex full of all sorts of people milling round shopping, laughing and queuing up to use the stargate; all of which were completely ignoring SG1.

“It seems like a public embarkation room and a mall at the same time. The technology seems similar to ours but more advanced. I suggest we try to talk to someone, they don’t seem afraid of us at all.”

“Well Daniel, please be my guest.” Jack gestured to a nearby group of people.

Future Reference (Sam and Jack)Where stories live. Discover now