Silent Moment

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Walking on the marble flooring did wonder about life, defective to departure those wretched memories; invading my mind. Moving my way upwards to the stairs walking on that soft mesmerised floor remembering those effective memories ...the good memories that I grip on to so that it doesn't escape my mind; right now it is a "what if!" thinking what could have been us? The past is like night and day; wants its gone it will forever be earsed from our mind, it starts again like a new beginning. All we can do is alter our mistake; but how can I adjust a mistake which wasn't mine to make. What can I do? Yet I still dwell on what could've been. The smell of the vanilla essence you left behind...still... makes me wonder WHY DID YOU CHANGE?

I clutched onto the duvet, its delicate touch lullabied me to sleep. I shut my eyes closed... everything went into surreal darkness. Sun beaming on my face, waking up out of the bed listening to the little birds chirping gave me a little smirk; it made my day already. I thought to myself Today is day I become Mrs Blake, so I thought. Tiptoeing happily humming a song. Running down the stairs tripping over tumbles of books, "clumsy me". Stretching to get my toast I put it on the tip of my mouth so I could get dressed. I untidily got my blouse and my denim jeans. I ran out of the house knowing that am late for the dress fitting looking like a mess. My syrupy long curls remained in a messy bun, my shoes are half worn laughing to myself I speeded up down 'new street'.

I glimpse up at the sky the golden sun bright on my face, making my eyes hurt; I noticed The sky changed all of a sudden, into a deep moonlight colour, I looked around, and the atmosphere changed still humming a song; out of nowhere everyone stopped what they're were doing and looked at my direction. their dry posture froze me into stealth mode looking at myself gullible I thought that it is because of the toast that I'm holding but "No!" everything went wrong again. The people in the street around me intersection me, closer...closer, then a cold bitter hand touched my back it seemed so familiar; I turned around and to see...

He's laughs mischievously echoed in my ear screeching into my ear; I stumbled on to the ground covering my ear drums I cried out "what do you want" as he came toward me every step felt dreary, tears of alone, isolation and misery came out of me. His hands were enormously big frightening it is all wrinkled up. the grip in his hand made it turn pinkie, white it looked like he was holding a very large strong object the more I looked at it... possibly I perceived a dagger... a knife maybe, I halted and he walked backward into the shadow camouflaging into the surreal dark atmosphere "You can't hide from me forever, one day we will be an us. If it means in the next life, I'll wait."

Blinking, sweating I lounged out of the bed. Looking around my shelves, thinking to myself is he still here... is joseph still here. When I checked everywhere in my house top to bottom, I knew he wasn't here that I am not safe again, but why? Now after all these long years why come back with your torture you bring back, why now? I realised it was because I was becoming Mrs Blake tomorrow, fearful I hurled my duvet as I clutched it, so that I could forget about my tormented nightmare that I just had. "Tomorrow will be a new beginning" repeating those sentence, I fell asleep.


The smell of cinnamon and honey awoke me. "wait is someone making pancakes" I whispered stretching my body, tired and exhausted I stood up. I had an enormous pain in my chest ; my pain was un bearing I looked at my reflection. the long tall mirror standing before me is spiralling; my head hurt. I held on to my frizzy curly hair to message my scalp. I looked at my wallpaper. It was just a nice homely colour pinky, purple it reminded me of my bedroom when I was a teenager . it brought tears in my eyes " O mom I hope you were here to help" chuckling to myself remembering those days when my mother use to sing a song from her century, combed my hair softly and lightly it was so gentle. I looked at myself I looked like a mess my eyes were buffy I've been crying in my sleep. my golden syrupy hair is everywhere like I I've been electrocuted I took a hard look at myself again... " O well" I realised that I completely forgot who was downstairs; could it be Joseph "o please be Joseph" I said to myself.

The floor board are creaking I could here my own heartbeat it is as loud as a thunderbolt. I'm crazy who do I think I am confronting a stranger, but you have to be brave I came a long way and no one is going to mess it up from me. Moving country is exhausting, running away from your abusive ex husband is even more tiring. what has this world become? overthinking. "clang" whoa what is that it felt like pans had fell on the floor causing havoc in the kitchen. I sneakily ran downstairs not trying to make a noise I looked at the hole in the door. Who could it be...?

O my goodness I'm just seeing things how did he get that far, how did he know where I lived its impossible. I ran away from you two years ago I am scared for my life and his just is cooking food in the kitchen, when is Joseph coming home when you need him. Then I remember about the nightmare I had those last sentences. "You can't hide from me forever, one day we will be an us. If it means in the next life, I'll wait."Think Shannel... think the door is 10 metres away from you and its locked its going to make a noise. my hand is terribly shaking my face is turning red I could feel the heat. " darling ... made your favourite get up" then there s silence " I'm coming up" now I just have couple of minutes. I ran for it opening the lock. pulling and grunting the door thinking to myself what did he do to it " where do you think you going" right now he is just 20 metres I eventually open the lock . but I cry in desperation, Eric believes that it is still locked.

"Do you think I'll let a stranger walk in and take my wife, I don't think so." I laughed " I'm not your wife and never will be" I open the door as I opened the door I felt a pair of hands grip me. I slammed the door I could here screams of pain. I looked up at the sun it's shinning in my face looking for hope in the sky I ran...and ran. looking around confused; droplet of water gushing from my eyes to my hair like a rainfall, wiping my eyes with my zebra coloured sweat shirt. My legs stamping on the floor making noises from the ground like an elephant . I am smelling the heavenly smell of sweets , those childhood days, coughing and out of breath, I ran in the direction where I can escape from this... right now I just wish it's another bad dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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