Nessie's Revenge

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Nessie's POV

I opened my eyes, and instantly the memories of the day before flooded my mind. Wow, I thought to myself. I can't speak english, though I can think it. The vocal chords of Loch Ness Monsters just don't work that way. Kind of annoying, to be honest. Anyway, I rolled over onto my side, leaving a big cloud of sand when I thumped onto the ocean floor. I closed my eyes in pure bliss, and let out a soft sound, trying to say hello to my first true love. I didn't hear anything back. I opened my eyes. What the hell? I quickly got up off my side and looked around frantically. My first REAL love was gone. She left me. I sat back on the sand, and shed about a million tears. I can't believe this happened, again. I angrily flopped my fins against the ocean floor. I've had multiple loves before, but this one was the true deal. It was my first love. My first REAL love, my dear Sarah. And she's gone.

Suddenly, I remembered that I had laid an egg the night before. My child! My very first child! For a moment, I forgot about how depressed I was, and began digging through the sand to try and find my egg, dreaming of all the great things I'll get to experience while being a mother. Playing baseball with them, going to their first ballet recital, taking them out to the city... ahh. Who needs a love when you have a child who will love you just as much? I kept looking. And looking. And looking. Time passes, and I can't find my egg. I begin to panic. Where's my child? Where could they have gone? There's no way it could've hatched yet. It's too early. I turned around, and then I saw it. Broken pieces of an egg shell. My heart dropped, and anger rose to my chest. Not only had that bitch left me, but something ate my unborn child too. And with that gruesome, cruel thought, I buried my head in the sand and began sobbing. There are so many inhumane sea creatures who would do such a thing to a child, and I couldn't believe it. I stayed there for a while, trying to gather my thoughts and calm myself down.


It didn't work. No matter how long I stayed there, no matter how much I cried, screamed, thrashed my fins... I was mad. Hell, I was ENRAGED. I hated this. I hated everything about it. Why is my luck so shitty? What did I do to deserve this? OH, SARAH.... WHY DID YOU DO THIS... ?! I sobbed even harder. After a while, I came to a decision. You know what? I've had enough. Time after time I've let the people who broke my heart get away with it. But not this time. They won't get away with it. NOT ON MY WATCH. I got up, picked up the watch that I was sitting on, not realizing it was underneath me, and put it on. 10:37 am. I have the whole day to try and track them down. For the first time ever, I'd be fighting back. I will get justice.

I thought about all the possible places that they could be, and decided I'd start at the same Starbucks we met at. After all, if she was there getting coffee yesterday morning, maybe she'd want some more today. I swam out of the water, used to all the screams and panicked swimmers who ran away at the sight of me coming up out of the water (by the way, you should listen to 'COMEUPOUTDAWAHTA' by GMCFOSHO. It'll really enhance the mood of this story). I wiggled my way onto shore, and began the journey to Starbucks. Due to my long legs, I got there in no time. I looked around, and saw no one around the building. She might be inside. I stuck my head through the door, and gazed around the room. There, in the back corner, drinking a coffee with a blank, tired look on her face, I saw her. I let out a sound similar to the one when we first met, and she slowly, but surely, looked up and met my gaze. Her facial expression changed from depressed and confused, to shocked and even more confused. She slowly got up.

"...N-N-N-...N-N...N-N-....N-Nessie..?!" She stammered. I squeezed my way through the door and thwomped my way over. She stared at me in complete awe. I stared back, tears forming in my eyes. I can't believe I found her. She ran up to me and hugged my leg.

"Oh my God, Nessie, I thought you were dead!" she said, tears streaming down her face. By now, everyone else in the store had cleared out in fear. I let out a loud groan, which meant I was asleep. Not dead. What was her deal? She understands me, I don't know how, but she does. I guess thats what happens when you find your true love.

"You weren't breathing! I woke up and you weren't breathing!" She screamed to me. What? Oh... I guess I forgot to tell her I don't breathe while I sleep. I let her know.

"Oh, who cares, I'm just so glad you're not dead," we stayed in a warm embrace for a while, having a calm and nostalgic moment of true love. Then I remembered what I was here for. Suddenly all the happiness that I got from this moment drained from me, and I was infuriated again. I tore myself from her grip, and let out a loud scream, a kind different than anything I've ever let out. It shook the building. My ex-love fell to the floor in fear.

"W-wh-w-w-wh-wh-w-w.. what the hell, Nessie?!" she managed to get out, her voice being choked by fear. I let out an annoyed groan. 'What are you? A dubstep remix?' my groan implied. She understood and tears started forming in her eyes.

"Nessie, what's the matter with you?" Sarah said with a shaky voice, trying not to stutter again. Fear was bubbling up inside her and she felt like she was going to throw up. I let out another agonizing scream and the feeling of throwing up wasn't just a feeling anymore. Sarah was so afraid that she projectile vomitted all over the starbucks store, painting its walls with the disgusting remnants of her breakfast. I let out a groan laced with disgust. 'What did you eat jesus fekkin christ' I said as I looked around at the walls of the store now coated with a thick layer of vomit. There was something familiar though about the scent and it reminded me of something but I couldn't put fin on it.

"I had an egg for breakfast" Sarah said while her hunched over form tried to wipe off the rest of the vomit from her face. The sirens from kill bill went off in my head as I realized what the scent was. My unborn child. OUR unborn child. My first love ate our egg. I was infuriated. 'YOU ATE OUR CHILD YOU MONSTER' I screamed. I realized the irony in my sentence since I am indeed the Loch Ness MONSTER
but which person or sea creature would eat their own child. I was disgusted and it wasn't because of the vomit that was heating up because of the hot summer air.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were dead and I was hungry...I didn't know what to do." Sarah said as more tears streamed down her face. "YOU're AT STARBUCKS! THEY HAVE BREAKFAST SANDWHICHES FOR DAYS YOU FOOL" I groaned and the building shook even more.

"I wasn't thinking straight pls 5give me bae" Sarah pleaded. 'You meme nothing to me anymore' I said through a growl as I started wiggling towards the exit.

Sarah's POV
I watched as Nessie did her weird wiggle thing towards the door and I stood there in fear as she knocked over some of the lit candles that starbucks had on display with her tail. As the counter became engulfed with flames, fear started to boil up inside me again. Is this how I die? By the fins of my first real love? Oh god why did I eat that egg? It didn't even taste good.

"Nessie what are you doing???? Please I said sorry!!!!!!!!! I'll never do it again!! I can CHANGEEE" I howled. Nessie turned around at me with misty eyes and flicked her fin to throw something at me. I looked down at the object to see that it was a polaroid picture of us, back when we were happy. (a.k.a yesterday). She let out a saddened groan that said 'this could've still been us but u playin'. Those were the last words I ever heard her say. The last words I ever heard anyone say. I took in a deep breath in a deep breath as I watched her reach the door, giggled a bit when she got stuck in the doorway, then frowned again as she left me forever. I knew that the building was on fire and that soon I'd be as crispy as the over baked cookies in the display case but I couldn't bring myself to get out. I just sat there at a table, alone, and accepted my fate. I dun goofed.

Nessie's POV
I managed to get out of the starbucks entrance and I'll admit that I was crying but this was the best (for me at least). The flames must have touched something explosive because next thing I know, the whole building exploded. Flames burst into the air as little bits of starbucks (and probably Sarah) wooshed past me and hit the floor with a clink. A flaming croissant hit the floor next to me as I looked off into the distance. As bad as it is, I didn't regret any of it. I finally got justice. I waddled away back to the ocean, memories of Sarah and I slowly leaving my brain as I let her go. I felt thug as hell, as that one song about being a gangster creeped into my head. Damn, it feels good to be a gangster, I thought to myself, as I swam back into the water, the usual screams of panicked people not even phasing me anymore. I won this battle.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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