A Mermaid's Tale

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Chapter 1... My Story

Mermaids. They're myths. Half human, half fish, not real.. Right? WRONG. They're as real as you and me. In fact, I AM a mermaid.

My name is Skylar but everyone calls me Misty. I'm 16 years old and I have a BIG secret that only my best friend Samantha, otherwise known as Rain, knows about. She knows because she is JUST like ME. Born with powers that no one can know about. When we touch water, our tails sprout and our hair and eyes turn different colors. My usual long, chocolate brown hair turns into long, bright, hot pink hair that fades into a navy blue at the bottom. My normal muddy brown eyes turn a bright, shiny, purple that matches my tail.

Rain's light blond hair turns a BEAUTIFUL blue/green. Just like the ocean. Her usually aqua eyes turn an amazing shade of navy blue, just like her tail.

Rain and I are practically sisters, even though we look NOTHING alike, we've known each other since birth. Our parents were merpeople too, but a freak hurricane off the coast of Honolulu, Hawaii swept them away when we were 10. We never saw them again. But a friend of our parents, a merman, let us live with him on the other side of Honolulu. When he moved away last year, he gave us the house. Since then, we have been able to protect our secret on our own. This is our story....

Chapter 2... Hooks and Nets

I open my eyes and is instantly blinded by the Hawaiian sun shining through my curtains. I roll over and see that Rain is still asleep in the other bed. I sit up and look at my alarm clock. It reads 8:30. I should go for a swim.

I grab a pair of shorts and a tank-top and tiptoe quietly out of our room. I change in the bathroom and go downstairs. As soon as I get downstairs I eat a bowl of cereal and pick up a sticky note. I write "Going for a swim, as usual! Come join me when you wake up, sleepyhead!" I place it on the table where I know she'll see it and walk out the door.

The warm, summer morning breeze hits me as I step onto the hot sand. I love having my own private beach, no one around for at least 2 miles. I walk over to where the water hits the sand and start running as soon as the water hits my leg. Since I only have about 5 seconds before I transform, I need to get as far into the water as possible. Suddenly, I hear a shimmering noise and I fall over. My tail has grown, but luckily, I got far enough out to swim. I pump my tail and swim out to sea.

When scuba divers say that the underwater world is beautiful, they obviously haven't seen it from a mermaids point of view. It is absolutely GORGEOUS. The coral reef is crowded with multicolored fish swimming around and little crabs.

After about 30 minutes, I have to go up for air. As a mermaid, I can hold my breath for a LONG time! I can even TALK underwater! I dive down and start swimming again. Suddenly, something grabs my tail. I scream and bubbles fly out of my mouth. I look back and who do I see? Rain. Of COURSE she'd scare me like this. At this point, she's laughing and all the bubbles in her mouth are coming out. She and I go up to the surface.

"What the heck?! You scared the crap out of me!!" I squeal.

"YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE!!! HAHAHAHA!!" She laughs. I splash her with my tail. This makes her return the splash.

"You're hilarious." I say sarcastically.

"I thought so" She says.

A distressed chirping noise catches our attention.

"That sounds like a dolphin!" I say.

"Down there!" Rain says as she dived down.

We look around and find the cause of the noise. A bottle nose dolphin trapped in a net! As soon as we see this, we swam as fast as we could to get to the dolphin. Rain tried pulling on the net but that just tightened it. I shake my head and dive down to grab something to cut the net.

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