Halloween special part 1

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A,N: Well um sorry for the delay I sadly didn't make it at Halloween eve. I had some unexpected events, like etc. me getting a cold. However hope you like it. Secondly this is a Au, before the barians arrive in the zexal series. Please tell me what you think of it. music later on in the story.

Halloween. The time of the year where you put out pumpkins with scary faces on, who lights in the dark, when you put small candles in it. The time of year where kids is dressed in weird costumes and is going trick or treat, gaining a lot of candies and sweets from doorstep to doorstep. The time of the year where teenagers or adults goes out to costume parties and are just having fun. However only few knows the real reason of halloween. That the night between 31. october and 1. november actually is the night when dead spirits, monsters and demons alike can visit earth and can cause mayhem. That in the past we were holding these parties to avert the monsters and evil spirits to prevent the mayhem, but as the time goes on, the old traditions got forgotten, people doesn't care or it changed. In a certain city, Heartland city a certain boy and his friends are about to be ready for a certain costume party.

Yuma's p.o.v.

Yuma turned around in the mirror eyeing himself from top to bottom. Astral was floating beside him. He looked rather curious.

"What are you doing?" He asked Yuma "This is not your usual dress code".

"This is a costume Astral" Yuma said and sighed "I told you this is halloween night today. People dress up in costume and party". The boy moved the cape a little around so it got placed on his shoulders. He smiled appreciatively.

"Well I think I can't do this much better" He said and grinned "But I must say I look good. Tori would be so amazed". Astral flew a little around.

"You look.. interesting" Astral said "You look like a chimney sweeper". Yuma did an anime falldown. He got up and sneered angry at Astral.

"I am not a chimney sweeper Astral" He yelled angry "I know I am dressed in black, but come on. Black pants, white shirt and the black long cape with hood. Not to forget the long tip of the black hat. I am a sorcerer Astral, a sorcerer!". Astral eyed him once again, then he shrugged a little.

"You mean like in these adventure series? One with magic powers?" He said "You said people would dress as what they were most like right? So why aren't you a lobster? Or a dog. I really like dogs". Yuma did another anime falldown. He was about to have another argue with Astral, when the sound of the doorbell could be heard. The sound of Kairi's voice could be heard running through the hallways of the house. She was yelling quite a lot.

"Yuma, the door!" She yelled "I don't have the time. I am making an scoop and Grandma is making dinner!". Yuma sighed. Why couldn't Zaira..!

"I am not dressed yet Yuma" yelled Zaira from the bathroom, like she had read his mind and Yuma sighed deeply. He rushed down to the front door and opened it. A shocking sight was shown in front of him. Yuma walked some step backwards because he was so shocked. In front of him was a green monster with pointy green ears and a fin was sticking up on the top of the head. It took some time for Yuma to realise that it was a person in a costume. In a green blouse and pants with shells and scales, so it looks like from the sea. Then a familiar voice rang behind the monster.

"Yuma you should see your face" a grinning voice and a girl dressed as a princess walked in front of the green monster. Yuma recognized her. It was Rio Kastle.

"Rio.. wait if you are here, then that means.. this green ugly thing is Shark" Yuma said and began laughing out loud. He just couldn't stop. The green monster Shark sneered and grabbed Yuma in half a wresting grip. Rio was holding him back.

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