A Mask to Hide Behind

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She forces a laugh and continues to smile to hide her breaking heart.

"I'm fine. I'll be fine," she tries to convince herself as she passes the group of people she once had called friends.

Tears begin to form in the corner of her eyes. She tries to fight them off but to no avail. A quiet sob escapes her pursed lips as she turns away from the people who she at one point thought actually cared.

She should have seen through the lies hidden behind their smiles; the malice hidden within their laughter. She should have known better than to trust people. 

Others will only ever let you down; that's the sentence that she lived by. But everyone gets lonely sometimes, and the one time she decided to trust someone, the one time she put herself out there without having to be coaxed from her shell, she got hurt.

She then decided in that moment that she would no longer trust anyone. You'll only get hurt if you trust others. You'll only get hurt.

And she was tired. Tired of being hurt. Tired of trusting others only to have that trust be broken. She decided to give up. She didn't want to be hurt anymore.

Her heart, her broken and torn heart, couldn't take it anymore. It was thrashed around for too long, so she chose to close herself off. Shut everyone else out. Bear the pain she felt by herself, not letting anyone else close enough to see it; wearing a mask to hide how broken she truly was. 

So that is how she lives. Constantly hiding her feelings behind a wall of false emotions. Hiding behind a mask that shows a happy exterior in contrast to her darkened mind and soul. A fake life that keeps her true self hidden away from the judgemental eyes of others. 

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