Caliburnus "Kate" Shaelburg

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Caliburnus "Kate" Shaelburg (Shall-bařg)



Kiritarou Orkney (Foster father)
Krissa Evans (Foster mother)
AJ Orkney(Foster older brother)
Avalonia Stockholm (biological elder sister)
Excalibarica Stockholm (biological older sister)
Arthuricus Stockholm (biological father)

Caliburnus Stockholm (true name)
Kate, Keito, Kei (nicknames)
Keiji (username)
The Red Swordswoman who carries a huge «Red Gunblade», The Creator of this game's daughter(title, in-game)
Stromakstiden (codename)

«General Info»
Caliburnus Stockholm (or better known as, Kate Shaelburg) is an 18 year-old girl who is the little sister of 20 year-old AJ Orkney, and who is the youngest daughter of Arthuricus Stockholm, the world-renowned game developer responsible of the BLITZKRIEG game project and is the creator of the said project. As well as the biological younger sister of both Excalibarica and Avalonia Stockholm, who are world-renounded for their story writing and art design respectively.

Caliburnus has pretty average height and a slightly athletic build. Black hair with parts of her bangs colored yellow and forest green eyes. She also has black scars tatooed at her back reaching until her upper arm. She has the same skin as AJ. She is usually seen wearing an off-white jacket with red arrows going down on the sleeves as design. Underneath theq unzipped jacket is an orange shirt with japanese for 'I'm not human' written on it. She also wears black pants with icy blue arrows pointing up at the sides.

When world-renowned game developer, Arthuricus Stockholm predicted that something will take turns for the worst, looked for someone he can entrust his entire reasearch on his game project, the BLITZKRIEG Project, onto. And he had chosen his week-old daughter he named Caliburnus as that person. He tatooed onto Caliburnus's back, all the notes and research he had made. Giving a second copy onto his firstborn, Excalibarica Stockholm and forced his two elder daugters to leave at once. And after some reassurance about Caliburnus's safety, they obliged after saying their goodbyes to their recently born younger sister and that they'll promise to find her soon.

After Excalibarica and Avalonia left, Arthuricus went back to his lab to attend to Caliburnus. After successfully tattooing all his life's research to his daughter, he summoned his best friend, Kiritarou to take care of his daughter in his stead, to which Kiritarou agree knowing his Arthuricus knew what's best for his child. Then Arthuricus gave Kiritarou his farewell gift to his daughter, her infamous white and red jacket. Then right after he had given this, a strange blackout happened and he disappeared without a trace, leaving Kiritarou to take care of Caliburnus and take the command of the BLITZKRIEG Project.

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