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A long time ago,

in the year of 3018 L.D. (Light Days) their was so much life and people prospered. Everything was beautiful. The world that was once ruled by the dominant race Seikken's had fallen,

(INFO: The seikken's where a rare powerful and beautiful species of people, the Seikken's where the natural rulers of this planet call Zabthesus they lived true royalty and royalty ran throught their blood.)

But there were such races of human that were jealous of such beauty and power. In the past, if you were born into that line or was even Kin to the Seikken's you were in some line of royalty, but all the other races yearned for that power too. To have such you can control at least 23 systems. The Seikken's kept themselves on their own planet and rarely explored other systems or worlds. Even if one wanted to He/She couldn't it was aginst thier law.

This is where our story takes place (now that i've gotten the prolouge outta the way.) The year is now 3066 L.D. Every year the Seikken's allow a hand full of people from the outside systems and galaxies to come and celebrate the annual blue moon harvest party with. The celebration lasts for four strait days. There is music, games, dancing and laughter that filled the space and air in our lungs. At the time i guess i was 4 years old and i remember my mother telling me that i had to get ready for the party. when i was finished i would often run down the stairs and take my shortcut through the kitchen and finally down to the ballroom. the light's on the ceiling made the room glitter as if the roof was made out of small stars and galaxies. As i watched the people dance on the ballroom floor, the smiles, music and laughter that carried through the room was beautiful. Oh how i would just be mesmerised by the way their clothes glowed and shimmered and dazzled under the lights of the room.

The seikken's clan colors; Gold and a Royal blue ruled the room it was a way we could tel ourselves apart from the common folk .I was wearing a gold and blue gown with a blue and gold cloak over it. my blue hair was tied up in a loose bun with some hair falling at the side of my face framing it ever so elegantly. My mom tolled me to go over and play with my friend. As a way to get my mind on something else rather than watching the lives that were in the great room happily. My best friend in the 150 galaxies is jacob. he has big purple and ice blue eyes. He is obviously not from my race though, he's a mixed with phlox and my breed the seikken.Nobody likes him. My mother always asks me why do i even play with him. Even though she banishes me off to play with him a lot I will never understand her judgement.

(INFO: The Phlox is the second over from the Seikken's that have the ability to take care of the galaxies. The Phlox takes care of the politics and laws in the galaxies, more hands on with the people I should say. But the two clans, Phlox and my own, have always clashed on which one was better and who is in more control. the Phlox's features are light blue eye's that technically glow. black hair , their skin color can range from really pale to really dark like my clan except we don't reach that pale our plailest is tan. and our eyes are hazel and orange yellow. their clan colors are red gold and black.)

The Phlox and the Seikken's never ever liked eachother, everything's a competetion or based off of class my mommy said that it goes all the way back to the pre-historic times, the 19th century. they even signed a treaty of lands. yeah, it's pretty deep but i'm not gonna get into it because my mommy woun't tell me, she says it's a secret. but i'll find out sooner or later. My dream is to one day help both see eye to eye, hopefully then we can all be friends!

I slowly walked up to him shy, he turned to my direction and did a small frown. "Hmm?" i tilted my face at him curiously "Why are you frowning at me? i asked. He did a long stressed sigh then he replyed, "Because i don't like you." Then out of nowhere i herd a shreik coming from somewhere on the ballroom floor. We turned in shock to where the noise came from and i saw a women on the floor.

When i looked up to find where my mom was i couldn't find her, then i felt a hard yank from my arm when i turned to go see what/or who it was i saw a man with purple eyes narrowing at me. i tried kicking him and punching him but he didn't budge "LET ME GO!" i said as i was punching his arm. then all of the sudden his face got sliced in half i looked behind the decaphitated corpse and found out that it was my mom who killed the man. "Why did you--" she cut me off looking at me with deep concern.

"Are you alright hun?" my she said to me while her eyes where scanning me to see if i was hurt. "i'm fine." I said looking at the dead man. While i was looking at it i felt like i was gonna puke. she grabbed my arm in a rush and tolled me we have to get to the train transport. (Train transport is a train that is ran by megnetic energy.)As we were making our way through the crowd in the train station i was cut off from my mom. I looked around noticing that we were separated, "MOM!!" I called out searching my heart began to beat very fast my vision got blurry until i heard her voice call out to me. i turned to were i heard the sound, i saw her on the train waiting for me. I ran over to the train she was on but then the electeric blast doors shut infront of me i banged on the glass calling her name all she did was stare at me. The way she was staring made me scared, but i wasn't giving up i ran to the end of the train where they have the emergencie latters ( the emergencie latters are their just in case if the train were to suddently come to a stop/or malfunction.) I rushed up the latter and looked for the emergencie door that can be opened before the train officially begins it decent.

once i found the door it was too late the train started to move and i had to grab ahold of something before i would get completely wiped off. I held on to the emergency ladder with all my might, "All Aboard!!" said the Train manager.i tried catching his attention but he didn't seem to hear me. Once he returned into the train, a moment passed then the train slowly started to pick up some speed every few minutes it would jump up two MPH's until finally it was at top speed. by this time i had tied myself to the ladder with my robe i had on earlier. As i was sitting on top of the train notice my home being shadowed in flames i began to cry. That was everything to me. and now it's gone everything I had gone. I was snapped out of my thoughts when i felt a turn comming up i prepared myself but something was telling me that i wasn't tied on tight enough to withstand the turn, but i paid no attention once the turn came i felt my self wip off the roof of the train everything happened so fast next thing i know i was knocked out cold.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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